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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Huskies,dogs,Rovaniemi,Finland,Soumi,Santa Claus

Rovaniemi, Finland - Fun on snow by husky driving - Part 2 of 2!

Husky driving has become a popular winter recreation and sport in northern Finland. There are two main qualities that are expected of sled dogs: endurance and speed. The dogs are trained for different purposes. Racing sled dogs will travel up to an average 20 mph (32 km/h) over distances up to 25 mi (40 km). That`s what I call real fun on snow!
2011-09-26 Read more

Husky,huskies,Rovaniemi,Finland,dogs,safaris,sled dogs

Rovaniemi, Finland - Fun on snow by husky driving - Part 1 of 2!

Soon time to do it again. Last Christmas (2010) I jumped on a sledge and experienced the high speed and exhilaration of a husky drive in Finland`s wilderness. I was highly inspired by the novel The Call of the Wild, written by the American author Jack London. Dog sledging is really something for they who like to have fun on snow.
2011-09-16 Read more


Oulu, Finland - One of the world`s most beautiful cities!

Oulu, Finland, sunset on Sunday 10th July 2011. The photo was taken from Oulu`s Market Square shore. It was a magic evening at the harbour area.
2011-08-09 Read more

Finland,Soumi, forest,wilderness,Oulu,Rovaniemi

Taivalkoski, Northern Ostrobothnia region, Finland, Soumi - Adventures in the wild forest!

Near Taivalkoski in northern Finland I have spend my summertime during years to reload my batteries and enjoy the wild nature. There in the deep forest I found a true peace and silence. I have also experienced the magic of sunset. Actual it`s the midnight sun. In Taivalkoski I don`t have to think about time. I am really feel I am living!
2011-07-07 Read more


Rovaniemi, Lapland in Finland - Get most out of your travelling!

Take a trip on the wild side. Cross the Arctic Circle, which is located circa 8km north of the town in Rovaniemi, and meet the beardie-weirdie Santa Claus in Santa Park, saying ho, ho, ho, ho. This place is the official residence of Santa Claus. Here he greets visitors. The adventure park is Finland`s answer to Disneyland in Florida. Both adults and children can have fun here, especially in the wintertime. But Rovaniemi has a lot more to offer than Santa Claus.
2011-01-19 Read more

Santa Park,Rovaniemi,Finland,Soumi,Santa Claus

Santa Park, Rovaniemi, Finland - Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

Santa Claus himself receives visitors in his old timberbuilding deep in an underground cave. He sit by his working table and welcomes both children and adults. Here we made our secret wishes to Santa.
2010-12-20 Read more

Oulu, Finland,the Arctic Gateway

Oulu, Finland - the Arctic Gateway!

Christmas and New Years celebrations in Finland 6th largest city Oulu. Happy New Year!
2011-01-01 Read more


Pudasjärvi, Pudasjarvi, Finland, Santa Claus - Happy Christmas Celebrations in Santa`s land!

Stepping out in the couldness after the sauna on the Christmas Eve is something I don`t forget. It was minus 17 degrees in Pudasjärvi, Finland, Soumi, and it was just perfect temperature for cooling down I have been heated in the sauna. Enjoying sauna, rolling in the snow, throwing snow balls on each others and running naked around the hus, it was just what the Finns do when it`s Christmas Eve.
2010-12-28 Read more

Huskies,dogs,Rovaniemi,Finland,Soumi,Santa Claus

Rovaniemi, Finland - From Santa to wildlife adventures!

Rovaniemi is the gateway to Lapland and is a popular destination both in Summer and in December when thousands of tourists come to visit the home of Santa Claus even though it's still thousand of kilometres from here to the North Pole.
2010-12-23 Read more


Santa Park, Rovaniemi, Finland - Where Christmas fairytails become true!

The Santa Claus Village has a unique meeting place where hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world come to meet Santa Claus on every day of the year. You can enjoy reindeer sledging, snowmobile for children, sliding on snowracers, eating delicious smoked salmon and of course meet the Santa Claus himself. Rovaniemi is the place where the fairytale becomes true.
2010-12-22 Read more

Live broadcasting by Ustream

Rovaniemi, Finland - Watch Santa Claus live!

Santa Claus Office is the place to go in Christmas time. It`s located in Santa Claus Village in Rovanimei, Lapland, in Finland. There come thousands of visitors from all over the world to meet Santa Claus on every day of the year, and of course especially in Christmas where presents show up. Rovaniemi is the place where the Christmas fairytale becomes true.
2010-12-22 Read more


From Rovaniemi with passion for genuine huskies adventures!

How could the driver control the two lead dogs who were desperate for love? In the front of all dogs these two made the situation a little bit confusing for a time, but the driver in the tour operator Huskypoint knew fortunately how to control them. And then the sledge started in full speed.
2010-12-19 Read more

Total Balalaika Show,Helsinki,Finland,Red Army Ensemble,Leningrad Cowboys

Finland and Russia united in music and culture - Total Balalaika Show 1994!

Finland marked the 70th anniversary of Winter War against Soviet Russia on the 30th November 2009! It woke up terrible memories, but it also give time to look forward. Music and culture exchange have often shown ways to build relations between nations, and that has also helped Finland and Russia. Probably the most amazing concert ever in the world was the Total Balalaika Show in Helsinki, Finland, in 1994.
2009-12-01 Read more

Winterwar,Finland,winter war,Russia,Soviet,vinterkrigen

Ghost soldiers from Finland combat the massive Sovjet War Machine in 1940!

On 26th November in 1939, Soviet Foreign Minister V.M. Molotov accused Finnish troops of firing at the Russians across the 800-mile (1,300-kilometer) border near the village of Mainila, in southeastern Finland. It was just a bluff and excuse to start the war against Finland, but due to Finns ghost soldiers the war didn`t end up as the Soviet rulers wanted.
2009-12-01 Read more

Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Winter War,Finland

Finland marked the 70th anniversary of Winter War 30th November 2009!

Finns marked on Monday 30 November the 70th anniversary of the Winter War. Finland`s brave soldiers were camuflaged in white uniforms. It made it difficult for the Red Army to fight against a invisible enemy. The Finns Soldiers emerged from the snow, looking like ghosts and frightened the enemy almost to death. They hold off Stalin's Red Army for 105 days ....
2009-12-01 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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