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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Stone Age,Kastelli,Pattijoki,Finland,travel,oulu

Oulu, Finland - Unexplored places and mysteries

For those seeking adventure, the region of Oulu feature several unexplored places and mysteries. Experiencing this is a profound adventure that combines natural beauty, historical intrigue, and personal reflection. 

Cathedral Helsinki in Finland was originally built as a tribute to Grand Duke Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, from 1830-1852. It was first known among the locals as St. Nicholas's Church and was eventually dubbed Helsinki Cathedral after the Independence of Finland from Russia in 1917.

Helsinki Cathedral - A symbol of the city

This church was originally built as a tribute to Grand Duke Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, from 1830-1852. It was first known among the locals as St. Nicholas's Church and was eventually dubbed Helsinki Cathedral after the Independence of Finland from Russia in 1917.

Buried in water, burdened by nature - the mystery goes on: why was the Iron Age people in Levänluhta in western Finland buried in water? The amazing wetland find consists of unburnt, mixed up remains from almost 100 human individuals along with artefacts

Levänluhta in Finland - Buried in water, burdened by nature

The mystery goes on: why was the Iron Age people in Levänluhta in western Finland buried in the water? 


Oulu Finland shining lights

Oulu, Finland - Sisu shining in the evenings

Oulu is full of life. So much energy radiate from the people all around, especially in the evenings. It`s most be the sisu. Every day in the summer here is filled with happy party lions in pubs, parks, market, streets, riversides and forrests. Live music with soumi rokkia turn the people really on. 

2023-07-29 Read more

Oulu, Finland - Under the magic red glowing light

Oulu, Finland - Under the magic red glowing light

The magic midnight sun in Oulu, northern Finland, creates an unique atmosphere. Since nights during the Finnish summer are almost as light as day, you can party all night long under a beautiful golden glow stretched across the horizon.

Oulu, Finland - Magic midnight sun turned me on

Oulu, Finland - Magic midnight sun turned me on

Tried to make most out of it during these extra hours of light. Partying under the midnight sun in Finland is like standing in the spotlight on a scene. Everybody standing out in the night are shining and the magic light are really turning them on. 

2022-07-20 Read more

Kesän Floating Sauna, summer sauna, Oulu, Finland

Kesän Floating Sauna, summer sauna, Oulu, Finland - my hot top sisu experience

If a volunteer-run wood burning sauna floating on a raft off the banks of magnificent Oulujoki River doesn't show you how serious Finns are about their saunas, nothing will. Experiencing the Kesän Floating Sauna, you will be encharged by sisu and never forget Oulu.  

Helsinki, Finland - Between the architectural wonders there are Saunas, Soumi Rokkia and Sisu

Experienced beautiful Helsinki in October 2021 by strolling around squares, museums, churches, architectural wonders and parks. Got insight into Finnish life and culture. A vacation in Helsinki can easily be turned into a great adventure.



Kalajoki, Finland - Golden sand dunes and magic midnight sun

Kalajoki's golden sand dunes and magic midnight sun is really something to experience: strong yellow light and dark blue clouds (3rd July 2016). Strolled along the shoreline in the late evening and enjoyed the incredible change from daytime in the nature of the light. The sun took on a yellow colour - almost like during sunrise or sunset - and everything around me bathed in an unimaginably warm, bright light.

Pakka,Pakka adventure,Kalajoki,Finland

Pakka Adventure Park, Kalajoki, Finland - Adventures in the height

Flying high in Pakka Adventure Park, Kalajoki: took the Mega Zipline, the longest zipline in Finland (4th July 2016). Jumped out from the top of the X-Tower (32 metre tall), and got a magnificient overview over the Kalajoki Sand Dunes for an incredible 330 metre stretch!

2016-08-28 Read more


Koiteli, in the region of Oulu, Finland

Wandered today into the wilderness at Koiteli, in the region of Oulu, Finland. Here you can hike, fish, enjoy the great outdoors and have a picnic at a designated spot. It's also fun canoeing down the roaring rapids - a real whitewater experience.

2016-08-28 Read more


Moose grazing in Finland

Came upon these bull moose grazing on a field of rapeseed in southwest Finland (July 2016) - kings of the forest. They usually shelter in dense forest during the daytime, feeding on forest plants. These mighty animals are easiest to spot when they occasionally venture out of the trees to graze on marshes, meadows and fields around dawn and dusk.

2016-08-28 Read more

Beautiful waterfalls of Finland

2016-08-28 Read more

Rokua Geopark,Finland

Rokua, Finland - Adventures in the northernmost UNESCO Geopark in the world!

The Rokua Geopark offers an unique combination of geology, nature and culture on the Northern hemisphere not far away from the Arctic Circle. Here we travelled through landforms shaped by the Ice Age: glacial ridges, pine and lichen-clad heaths, kettle holes and small ponds filled with crystal clear water.

2016-08-12 Read more

Turku Kaarina, Winter in Finland

Kaarina and Turku, Finland - Enjoying the magic winter atmosphere

The fairytale winter world at different places around Kaarina and Turku. Visit the region of Kaarina and Turku during wintertime and discover the wildlife in natural souroundings.

2015-02-16 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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