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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Rovaniemi, Finland - Christmas, Santa Claus, husky driving, reindeer tours and more - Watch the video clip!

Santa Park,Rovaniemi,Finland,Soumi,Santa Claus

Photo. Santa Park in the evening, Rovaniemi, December 2010. © Travel Explorations.

Be adventurous in Christmas 2011! Rovaniemi offers everything you want for Christmas. Rovaniemi is the Official Hometown of Santa Claus and it is situated at the northern Arctic Circle, in Lapland, Finland.

Rovaniemi is a place where reality and fairytales meet on the border of the Arctic. Every season in Rovaniemi is an unforgettable experience: the never-ending summertime sunshine, the twilight period leading up to Christmas, and the springtime snowscapes glistening like fields of diamonds.

Christmas in Rovaniemi is everlasting. Santa Claus is the friend of the world's children and friends are always welcome. Visit Santa any day you please and experience Christmas in the middle of summer.

Photo. Fun on a reindeer sledge tour. © Travel Explorations.


Christmas in Rovaniemi is real rock`n roll: public events, concerts, Christmas bazaars and experiencing memorable moments in the heart of nature, for example by  reindeer sledge tours or husky driving.

Surrounded by wintry, dusky forests, the Arctic Circle is a lifetime experience for visitors young and old. This is precisely why half a million people travel to meet Santa Claus every year, according to Rovaniemi Tourist Information.

For more inspiring information and booking: Rovnaniemi Tourist information.

Watch more video from Rovaniemi on YouTube.

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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