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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Rovaniemi, Finland - Fun on snow by husky driving - Part 2 of 2!

Husky driving has become a popular winter recreation and sport in northern Finland. There are two main qualities that are expected of sled dogs: endurance and speed. The dogs are trained for different purposes. Racing sled dogs will travel up to an average 20 mph (32 km/h) over distances up to 25 mi (40 km). That`s what I call real fun on snow!
Huskies,dogs,Rovaniemi,Finland,Soumi,Santa Claus

Photo. Huskies on the run. Keep your balance! © Travel Explorations.

At the tour operator Huskypoint`s kennel we got to know the wonderful sled dogs and become good friends with them! This half an hour husky drive gives us an idea how great fun dog sledding is.

The trails in the forest followed uphills and downhills. After we returned again we spent more time with the charming huskies in the farm and took the chance to give them a big hug.

Photo. After a while the children weren`t afraid any more of the dogs, and startet to hug and play with them.
© Travel Explorations.
Husky,huskies,Rovaniemi,Finland,dogs,safaris,sled dogs

So we went into a big cottage where we heated up our frozen bodies. We were served coffee and other kind of hot drinks. The mushers gave us useful and inspiring information about huskies. We also watched a video about sled dog races.

Photo. In Huskypoint farm's wooden Kammi, cottage, by the fireplace.

It was time for eating and drinking, and listen to the mushers good stories about the husky life.
© Travel Explorations.

Husky,huskies,Rovaniemi,Finland,dogs,safaris,sled dogs

Program duration in Huskypoint`s husky farm Käpälämäki is approximately 1,5 hours. Dog sledding time is half an hour and that time does not include breaks. Distance driven within half an hour depends on the weather conditions and the skills of participants, an average it is 7km.

Huskypoint at Sinettä offers guided kennel visits for €10/5 per adult/child, more if you need transport from Rovaniemi.

Participants should be in a reasonable good physical condition especially when participating to Unleash the Musher.

Photo. The husky farm at Huskypoint, outside Rovaniemi. © Travel Explorations. Husky,huskies,Rovaniemi,Finland,dogs,safaris,sled dogs

Be aware of that the speed of the dog team might be surprising in the beginning and handling the team requires concentration.

Winter clothing witg overall, boots, hat and mittens are included to the price, but you still need to be dressed up with warm clothes underneath and between. Especially don`t forget to dress up children properly, and you are ready for the real fun!

So get ready for a thrill husky driving experience. The mushing season is underway, training has begun, and the dogs are loose! It’s an exciting time for the world of sled dog sports. You should be a part of it!

Stein Morten Lund, 16th September 2011

Additional information
Read more about huskies on our global travel guide Travel Explorations.

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