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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Santa from Rovaniemi, Finland - Merry Christmas!!

The Santa on the displayed photo is living in a cave in Rovaniemi in Finland. It`s called The Santa Claus Park, which is connected to the Santa Claus Village located nearby. The park was in 2007 awarded by Topworld International and placed as the second best Travel Adventure in Finland. In the huge cave Santa receive eager visitors who make their wishes for Christmas.
santa,santa claus,finland,soumi,rovaniemiRovaniemi offers everything you want for Christmas. It`s the place you really have fun in Christmas. And of course, the most important thing, you will meet Santa, both in the Santa Claus Park og Santa Claus Village.

Santa Claus Village is located about 8 km northeast of Rovaniemi and about 2 km from the Rovaniemi Airport.

Rovaniemi city bus route 8 goes between the Rovaniemi Railway Station and the Santa Claus Village. The bus trip takes about 30 minutes.

The Arctic Circle goes right through Santa Claus Village. A white line denoting the Arctic Circle is painted across the park.

Visitors officially enter the Arctic area when they cross the line.

Website for Santa Park: http://www.santapark.com
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in Papua New Guinea

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