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Here we present the greatest explorers. They show ways for others and make our lives more interesting to live. There are also important things you could learn from them!

Captain James Cook was one of the truly great explorers, but did other Europeans land on the east coast first?

Archaeologists in Australia said that a discovered shipwreck found in 2002 could prove that the British explorer, Captain James Cook (1728-1779) was not the first European to discover Australia's eastern coast.

The archaeological team found the 30-metre-long wreck on Fraser Island, off the coast of the eastern state of Queensland.......
2005-03-30 Read more

Famous Norwegian adventurer and climber - Arne Naess jr. died in an mountain accident

He life was a adventure, both as a succesfull buisnessman and adventurer. He was also famous due to beeing the former husband of Diana Ross. Arne Naess jr. was killed on Tuesday 13 January 2004 in a mountain accident near Cape Town in South Africa.
2004-01-14 Read more

Great Norwegian polar explorer Liv Arnesen honoured in Lotz

The famous Norwegian polar explorer, Liv Arnesen, became this weekend given the honourable prize "Explorer 2003 Awards" during an arrangement in Lotz in Poland. She was given the prize for her contribution that reflects strong enthusiasm and abilities to overcome strong personal limits.
2003-12-18 Read more

Norway`s great son is dead - Thor Heyerdahl

The legendary Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl, who became world famous for his research and exotic expeditions, died 18 April 2002 due to brain cancer. Most people rembember Heyerdahl for the fantastic "Kon-Tiki" expedition in 1947 when he crossed the Pacific ocean in a balsam raft, but other would also remember him for his unique abilities to build good relationship with people. He was a true friend of the world!
2004-01-12 Read more

Captain James Cook (1728-1779) - the greatest explorer in the world

In October previous year I joined BBC News Online's poll to vote for the greatest explorer of the millennium. Two British explorers, Brian Jones and David Hempleman-Adams had nominated their top 10 lists. But I had other ideas, and made my own choice on the voting.
2004-01-06 Read more

Happy birthday to a great Norwegian Explorer - Monica Kristensen Solås!

Monica Kristensen Solås celebrates her 50`s birthday today (30 June 2000). If we look back on her life it has been very exiting, and cold sometimes too, we guess. Polar research has played an important part in her life.
2004-01-06 Read more

Laurens Van der Post - the person, adventurer and author

Most people have to live many lives to experience what Lauren Van Der Post did in his life. His incredible life is like a fairytale and it's filled with dramatic.
2004-01-06 Read more

Great Norwegian explorer is dead - Helge Ingstad

Researcher, archaeologist, author, hunter, adventurer and a friend of the world A long and exciting life ended in a hospital in Oslo, Norway. He lived 101 years, and had a great life to look back upon.
2004-01-06 Read more

Thor Heyerdahl - explorer and scientist

Heyerdahl is a great Norwegian explorer who is still going strong. The colourful 80-year-old Norwegian is describes as part showman, part adventurer, part archaeologist, and part Norwegian Viking. He has also showed unique abilities to build good relationship with people world wide.
2004-01-06 Read more

Some of the greatest explorers of the millennium - Part 2 of 2

During the last millennium some people in the world have explored new land, archaeology, ethnic tribes animals and plants. They have also taken challenges that no one thought was possible to go through. Only by reading the stories about these people you can get the best entertainment and learning, and hopefully it can give you some inspiration too.
2004-01-06 Read more

Some of the greatest explorers of the millennium - Part 1 of 2

During the last millennium some people in the world have explored new land, archaeology, ethnic tribes animals and plants. They have also taken challenges that no one thought was possible to go through. Only by reading the stories about these people you can get the best entertainment and learning, and hopefully it can give you some inspiration too.
2003-12-29 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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