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Moss Norway Travel Guide. The Moss region in Norway is for genuine adventurers. It has a beautiful countryside, the ydillic peninsula of Jeløya, wooden hills and dense pristine forests. Moss offers an abundance of trails and paths, but most exciting is venture out on the off beaten tracks. Discover the Viking heritage and other historical sites.

Moss,Norway,Røysåsen Hill,Roysasen,Røysåsen

Moss, Norway - Wonderful view from old burial mounds on Røysåsen hill

Our round trip Røysåsen to Molbekk gave us a great experience of nature and history. On the top of Røysåsen Hill we could admire some burial mounds from the Bronze Age and get a incredible view beyond Mossesundet, Jeløy and surrounding parts of the town of Moss.
2012-09-03 Read more


Santa Claus from Moss, Norway - Mossenissen!

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, and simply "Santa", is a figure with legendary, mythical, historical and folkloric origins who, in many western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24. It`s just what the Santa Claus in Moss in Norway does, the so called Mossenissen.
2011-12-22 Read more


Mossesundet, strait of Moss, Norway - Late sunset!

In the evening on Friday 23th September 2011, I and my friends from Finland admired the beautiful sunset over Mossesundet, Moss, in the Oslo fjord, in Norway. The sky over the island Jeløy, was painted by red and yellow colours, and it gave a big contrast to the dark on the other side of the strait where we stood.
2011-09-24 Read more

Moss, Norway, by night

Moss, Norway - By night!

Across the strait of Moss, Mossesundet in the Oslo fjord, I could view the red glowing town of Moss in Norway. The sunset was almost gone in the evening Friday 23rd September 2011, and it was mostly the strong lights from the town that shone in the dark.
2011-09-24 Read more


Vansjø, Lake Vansjø, Vansjo, Vannsjø, Moss, Norway - The place for great wildlife adventures!

The coastal trail through Moss has links to the Vannsjø, also known as Lake Vansjø trail, near Mossefossen. Here you can walk through a beautiful lake landscape, an urban environment, woodlands and a cultural landscape. In a Norwegian travel magazine, the Moss region was selected to offer the best trails for biking in Norway, but the best way to experience Vansjø, Lake Vansjø, is by boat.
2011-09-13 Read more


The Moss Sunny Brown Biking Route – Pedaling for pints!

Following the sun on a bike, or shall I say navigating after the sun, I and my wife Sirpa came across some really nice brown places in Moss town in Norway. Cycling here from waterhole to waterhole, was done at our own pace. It was environmentally friendly and very sociable. The places we stopped at and passed were Alminna Restaurant & Bar, Riis Café, Brandstrup, Gudegården, Alexandros, Kontoret Bar, Tollboden in Moss with Tollboden Restaurantdrift AS and Peppes Pizza Tollboden, and Øre Villa Kro. Don’t forget to use the brakes. Keep the balance, and just stay on the road!
2011-08-03 Read more

Moss,Mossesundet,Solnedgang,Jeløya,blå solnedgang

Moss Norway Travel Guide - Follow us on Facebook!

Achieve unique adventures in the wild, untouched and peaceful Norwegian nature! Moss Norway Travel Guide was established on 26th July 2010 as a integrated part of the global guide Travel Explorations. Our aim is to inspire and attract travellers around the world to exerience the Moss region in Norway. Join our travel community on Facebook, get in touch with others who enjoy adventures in the Moss region, and find inspiration through comments, discussions, reviews, articles and photos. Make your travel dreams happen in Moss!
2011-06-28 Read more


Bjørnåsen, Jeløy, Jeløya, Moss, Norway – A wonderful hiking to the top!

Hiking through the beautiful landscape of the Norwegian island Jeløy, also called Jeløya, is a wonderful experience. It's not just the view from heights as Bjørnåsen that made me fascinated, but also the opportunity to enjoy an unique landscape consisting a number of volcanic rocks.
2011-04-25 Read more

Alby gård, Alby farm, Jeløy, Moss, Norway - Winter atmosphere!

On Sunday afternoon 23rd January 2011, in the wonderful landscape around Alby gård, Alby farm, both adults and children enjoyed fun activities on snow. In the background the sky painted dramatic pictures with different shapes and mixed colours.
2011-01-24 Read more

Bjørnåsen,Bjørnåsen batteri,Bjornosen,Moss,Skansen,festning,fort

Bjørnåsen Fort, Bjornosen Fort, Skansen in Moss, Norway – Built for fighting the Swedish!

From the late 1890s, it was built a number of forts in Norway along the Swedish border from Kongsvinger in the north to Svinesund in the south. This was part of efforts to break Norway from the union with Sweden. If the dramatic negotiations broke, Norway was well prepared for a Swedish invasion. Bjørnåsbatteriet, Torbjørnrød skanse, Bjørnåsen fort in Moss,also called Torbjørnrød skanse, was one of the forts used to protect Norway.
2010-06-08 Read more

Moss,Mossesundet,Solnedgang,Jeløya,blå solnedgang

Moss, Norway, Mossesundet - Out in the blue at the Strait of Moss!

Blue colour is usual considered as cold, but the sunset on Monday 31 May 2010 in Moss was not cold at all. In the beautiful summer weather, I ran through the Moss forest, past Molbekktjernet and further down to the shoreline at Mossesundet, the Strait of Moss. In front of me it revealed an inferno in blue.
2010-06-06 Read more


Archaeological heritages in the region of Moss, Norway!

In the region of Moss, Norway, there are 83 registered archaeological heritages before 1537. These are automatically protected and subject to Cultural Heritage by the curator in Østfold County. Stone Age settlements, burial mounds from the Bronze Age, caves and rock carvings, traces from the Viking age.
2010-05-24 Read more


Helleren by Gjerrebogen, Moss, Norway - Back to the stoneage!

Near Gjerrebogen in Moss, Norway, beneath an overhanging rock wall called "Heller", I could observe the only Stone Age settlement to have been found on the mainland part of Moss. It`s from the latter half of the Late Stone Age.
2010-05-24 Read more

Vaerne,vaerne monastery,værne kloster,moss,rygge,Norway,norge

Vaerne Monastery, Rygge, Moss, Norway – What did The Knights Hospitaller hide underground?

Behind the big white house we could observe the ruins of the Vaerne Monestary, Værne kloster, Rygge, Moss, in Norway. The monastery is located in a big green garden with tall oak trees and beautiful avenues. In November previous year it was reported a sensational archeological discovery on the site near the mentioned ruins: a stone building, about fifty meters long, was found underground. It lies west of the main building on Vaerne. Is it really a Knights Hospitaller monastery that has been found there?
2010-04-02 Read more

Skihytta,mossemarka,moss cabin, moss region

Moss Cabin, Skihytta, in Mossemarka – On a cold, sunny, snowy and beautiful day!

The Moss region is the sunny side of the Oslo fjord, both in the summer and winters! On Sunday 10th January 2010 the weather and snow conditions were just perfect. Skiing around in Mossemarka on a day like this, you really feel a strong coexistence with the nature.
2010-01-10 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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