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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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Cecilie Skog,Ryan Water

Ryan Waters and Cecilie Skog interviewed by ExplorersWeb!

On 21st January 2010 new polar history was written.Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters successfully crossed Antarctica! In an interview ExplorersWeb did with Ryan Waters and Cecilie Skog, they say: “The mental part was the most difficult part”.
2010-01-25 Read more

Cecilie Skog,Ryan Waters,Antarctica

Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters successfully crossed Antarctica!

Today 21st January 2010 new polar history was written. Nearly a century after Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole in 1911, the Norwegian female Cecilie Skog, 35, and the American man Ryan Waters, 36, reached Ross Ice Shelf and made the first unassisted crossing of Antarctica.
2010-01-22 Read more

Giza, Egypt - New pyramid found near the big Pyramid!

Scientists found a pyramid buried under Egypt's sand. It`s a amazing hidden tresaure that hopefully will reveal more of the ancient history in the country.
2010-01-13 Read more

Vatican Secret Archives opened for public!

The Vatican Archives is now available for insight. Some of the most preserved secrets are revealed. The most interesting information is found in a letter from Djengis Kahn grandson, Küyük, to Pave Innocent IV in Rome 1246. Küyük is not known as the most human person in the history, and he wanted to forced the pave to kneel for him.
2010-01-07 Read more

Mount Everest 2009 - Jarle Traa from Norway tries to reach the top on Everest`s north side!

Norwegian Jarle Traa, Jarle Trå, is on his way to ascend Mount Everest from its north side. He is well acclimated after climbing Elbrus twice. Jarle will do it in the way he did on Mount Everest earlier this year, from Shisha in 2006 and Cho Oyu in 2004: climb independent with no Sherpa and no supplementary oxygen support. It`s a risky attemp. Will Jarle make it?
2009-11-26 Read more

Cecilie Skog,North Pole

Cecilie Skog is on her way to cross Antarctica - the Antarctica Expedition 2009!

Cecilie Skog travels with Ryan Waters. Together they represent the Antarctica Expedition team. Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters started 13 November 2009 on their tour. Their goal is to ski from Berkner Island to the South Pole, a distance of 1,350 km (838 miles) over a period of 50 days.
2009-11-25 Read more

Dinosaur,dinosaurs,Walk with Dinosaurs,South Africa

New species of dinosaur discovered in South Africa!

The newly found dinosaur species roamed the Earth about 200 million years ago. Scientists believe it can explain how the creatures evolved into the largest animals on land. Could this find be a missing evolutionary link?
2009-11-19 Read more

Roman Abramovich, Chelsea Football Club, failed to reach the top of Kilimanjaro!

Billionaire owner of Chelsea Football Club, Roman Abramovich, has had to give up an attempt to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa. The 42-year-old Russian oligarch was carried down to safety after suffering breathing problems on his attempt.
2009-09-14 Read more

Amazing discovery of a shipwreck in Sweden - Watch the video here!

Swedish divers found recently a huge old shipwreck in the fjord near the Swedish capital Stocholm. The ship was from Holland, used for trading, featuring rich ornament, and from the 1600 century.
2009-08-06 Read more

Codex Sinaiticus,bible,Internet

Codex Sinaiticus - The oldest known bible is now available on Internet!

Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. It was handwritten for over 1600 years ago. The manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. An international collaboration has now reunited the entire manuscript in digital form and made it accessible to a global audience for the first time.
2009-07-07 Read more

Apa Sherpa on the top of Mount Everest for the 19th time!

Apa Sherpa (49) from Nepal reached successfully 21st May 2009 the top of the world`s tallest mountain for the 19th time, reported by media in Nepal. It`s a world record. On the top of Mount Everest he rolled out a banner with the slogan: Stop the climate change, let Himalaya live! 30 minutes later, he started the descending.
2009-05-26 Read more

Mount Everest - The Norwegian Jarle Traa made it to the top without extra supply of oxygen!

Jarle Traa, Jarle Trå, was reported missing on Saturday 22nd May 2009. A search for him started and fortunately he was found over 8000 metres above ocean Monday morning 25th May. It was a dramatic rescue operation to get Jarle Traa down from the world`s tallest mountain.
2009-05-26 Read more

Mt. Everest - Tommy Rambøl became the 24th Norwegian on the top!

Tommy Rambøl (42), Rambol, from Norway reached the top of Mt. Everest 21nd May 2009. He is now safe back in the Base Camp on 5400 metres above the ocean. The two other Norwegians, Thomas Svane Jacobsen and Asbjørn Hjertenes, in the Himex expedition didn`t made it to the top.
2009-05-25 Read more


Galdhøpiggen, Norway - Multicultural social event on the top of the roof of Norway 2009!

The Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) and The Red Cross are inviting 2469 people from multicultural Norway to join them at Norway`s tallest mountain, Mt. Galdhøpiggen, Galdhogpiggen, on the 12th and 13th of June 2009. Anyone who wishes to support multicultural Norway is welcome to participate.
2009-05-18 Read more

Ida,fossil,monkey,University of Oslo Natural History Museum

The amazing discovery of Ida - Watch video and film about one of our earliest ancestors!

The title of the film is The Link, which is a feature-length documentary film about the dubbed fossil Ida. It`s made by the award-winning Atlantic Productions with exclusive access to Ida and the team of scientists who have examined her. See also an available video about Ida.
2009-05-20 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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