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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Snow swimming championship in Finland 2013


Swimming in deep snow in Muonio in Finland 2.1.2013. Muonio (previously called Muonionniska, Northern Sami: Muoná) is a municipality of Finland. It is located in the province of Lapland. The municipality has a population of 2,369 (30th September 2012) and covers an area of 2,038.15 square kilometres (786.93 sq mi) of which 133.91 km2 (51.70 sq mi) is water. 

Muonio is known as the municipality with the longest snow season in Finland. For that reason its vocational college has a top ski class that attracts aspiring cross-country ski champions from all over Finland.

Finland is the country with the world`s most strange competitions. If you're looking for weird events, go to Finland. You won't believe what the Finns are up to when it comes to weird annual events, contests, and similar activities!

Here they are:

  • Wife Carrying World Championships, Sonkajärvi, Finland,
  • World Cell Phone Throwing Championships
  • Air Guitar World Championship
  • Mosquito Swatting Championships
  • Ant-Nest Sitting Competition
  • Ice Swimming Events, Helsinki
  • World Cup in Snowshoe Football
  • Finnish Sauna World Championships, Hyrynsalmi in northern Finland
  • Finnish Cattle Calling Championships
  • Alapitka, Finland,
  • Finnish Dialect Speaking Championships, Kuopio, Finland.
  • Milking Stool Throwing Contests

Would you like to participate?

Stein Morten Lund, 15h January 2013

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in Papua New Guinea

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