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The Global Travel Guide For Genuine Adventurers!

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Moss Norway Travel Guide. The Moss region in Norway is for genuine adventurers. It has a beautiful countryside, the ydillic peninsula of Jeløya, wooden hills and dense pristine forests. Moss offers an abundance of trails and paths, but most exciting is venture out on the off beaten tracks. Discover the Viking heritage and other historical sites.

Moss,Mosseskogen,Moss forest,christmas

Moss, Norway - Beautiful snow creations in Mosseskogen in Christmas 2009!

Rising out of the snow, magnificent creations in Moss trigs your imagination. This Christmas the pristine forest Mosseskogen in Moss is full of temporary creations creating a stunning illusion of motion.
2009-12-29 Read more


Moss, Norway - Fairytale white Christmas celebration 2009!

Celebrating Christmas in Moss near the capital Oslo in Norway, is a magical time. It`s snowing and it`s white all around. Celebrate the wonder, fun and hope of Christmas with all friends in Moss makes it really memorable.
2009-12-26 Read more


Santa Claus from Moss, Norway, emerged from his secret hiding place in Mosseskogen 2009!

The Norwegian Santa Claus, Christmas nisse (julenissen), never let you down. As usual he showed up this Christmas Eve too. He didn`t climb down the chimney, but anyway he find his way into our house in Moss in Norway. Suddenly we could hear his voice saying ho ho, ho ho!
2009-12-25 Read more

Mosseskogen,Moss forest,Christmas,Moss

Merry Christmas to all people around the world - 2009!

Be half of our global travel guide Travel Explorations, I wish you a Merry Christmas! Especially I would like to wish our reader, adventure travellers, clients and partnes a very good Christmas. I still bear in mind the message of one of the most beautiful Christmas song ever: "Do They Know It's Christmas?", and encourage to give help to poor people around the world. It`s Christmas presents that`s really counts!
2009-12-25 Read more

Travel Explorations, Moss in Norway - Offers marketing services for the travel industry!

Travel Explorations is a global travelguide on Internet for adventure travellers around the world. Our company provides also products and services within marketing. Travel Explorations is located in Norway. We moved our company the 1st October 2008 from the county Bærum, near Oslo, to the city Moss, also near Oslo. Business goes on!
2009-09-22 Read more

Liverpool,Liverbirds Moss,Liverpool supporter club,Moss,Fetter Anton

Liverbirds Moss rose to big heights on 14 March 2009 - Watch the red singing birds on video clip!

Liverbirds Moss was founded this date. Around 70 eager Liverpool supporters participated on the foundation meeting at Melløs Stadion in Moss. After the meeting they all went to the pub Fetter Anton in Moss to watch their favourite Liverpool play against Manchester United. What a game, and what a start for the local supporter club.
2009-09-21 Read more

Moss,Mosseskogen,Molbekktjernet, Moss forest

Moss - the pristine forest!

Experience the off beaten tracks in Mosseskogen in Moss. Coming up article.
2009-09-17 Read more

Ekeby,Moss,Rygge,Vikings,Viking,Ekeby farm,Ekeby gård

Ekeby Farm in Moss, Norway - A recently found Viking graveyard yields secrets of ancient time!

The Viking graveyard in the village of Rygge, about 15 minutes` drive from Moss, was until recently overgrown with weeds and trees. It`s now surrounded by evergreen large fields, trees and bushes. I can clearly observe strange stones placed in a circle, but what is hiding underground?
2009-09-03 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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