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Party Life
Here we present unique experiences from the wild partylife around the world.

Finland, Soumi: shall we talk or drink?

Finnish humour indicates often that the inhabitants are reserved. Instead of doing small talk, they like to drink! Here is an joke that give an example of that.

Photo. The disjockey in Zetor pub and discoteque in Helsiniki. © Travel Explorations.

This is shown clearly in the joke below, which features the Finnish heroes, Pekka and Toivonen. High alcohol consumption is definitely a feature of their partying as also told in other Finnish jokes.

One day Pekka and Toivonen meet after a long time apart and they go to a sauna in the woods. They drink vodka for a couple of hours. Pekka asks how Toivonen has been doing. Toivonen says nothing, but continues drinking for a couple of hours. Then, slowly, he replies: "Did we come here to babble, or did we come here to drink?"

Finnish jokes are real entertaining for they who like crazy humour!

Midsummer is the greatest of all Finland's public holidays and it's the best party day, especially since it's the longest day in the year, and it's plenty of time to do what they Finns like best: PARTYING! This day is a kind of national day for the Finns. It brings out the best in everyone in Finland . Thousands of Finns rush out to the forests, lakes and islands to celebrate.

Since Finland is Europe's largest archipelago, including the semi-autonomous province of Åland, there are plenty of islands to find for enjoying the great day. Here they drink, eat, dance and get very crazy. They set up a big bonfire and really have a good time.

Photo. The mysterious Finnish forest. © Travel Explorations.

For they who like to celebrate near a cabin will have the big pleasure to take a sauna, which is the most appreciated social arena in Finland as the pubs are in Ireland.


Finland has a population of 5.1 million and 1.7 million saunas, one for each third inhabitants. In the saunas you can cleanse your soul and body!

An old Finnish wisdom word (idiom) says that if not sauna and spirit (drink) can cure your sickness, it can be deadly!

Finland's strangest event is the annual wife-carrying championship is held every July in tiny Sonkajärvi. Here the men carry the women in the same way as the Norwegian Vikings did for 1000 years ago.

Finland is definitely the place for they who like to have real fun! SISU (spirit) in Finland is a time of a life experience.

Stein Morten Lund, 7 March 2004

Additional information
Read more about the party life in Finland on our website: Zetor in Helsinki - Rocking among tractors!

For more information about Finland:

Finnish Tourist Board's official travel guide to Finland - website: www.visitfinland.com
On this site you'll find information about how to make the most of your trip, whether you are visiting for pleasure or business.

Finnish Tourist Board Head Office:
P.O. Box 625, Töölönkatu 11,
Tel.: +358 (0)9 4176 911
Fax: +358 (0)9 4176 9399
E-mail: mek@mek.fi

Virtual Finland — Your Window on Finland - provides you with everything you need to know about Finland: virtual.finland.fi.

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