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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Piece of the old railway from Korvua camp, Finland

Forgotten in the wilderness - New light shed to Finnish war history for over 70 years ago - Part 2

The large prisoner of war camp here in village Metsäkylä, Metsakyla, near the town Taivalkoski, was called Korvua Camp and the route for the railway was called the Korvua Route. This was a concentration of camp areas for personnel from where prisoner workers and other men were transported as needed to other camps along the trench railway.

2014-08-19 Read more

Tree with barbed wire war Finland

Forgotten in the wilderness - New light shed to Finnish war history for over 70 years ago - Part 1

In the small store Metsäkylän Kyllkäkup in the village Metsäkylä, Metsakyla, near the town Taivalkoski, in the northern Finland, I got in contact with a local person. We started to talk about the ongoing World Championship in football in Brazil (July 2014), but after a while our conversation switched over to a even more serious subject: Finnish war history. Eagerly he startet to tell me about dramatic events during the Second World War deep in the forest just outside his home. He said: this was the part of the history few Finnish know about or wantet to forget. What happened here in the middle of nowhere?

2014-07-14 Read more

Northern lights in Lapland in Finland - Aurora borealis: scientific facts interview - Sodankylä

2013-01-17 Read more

Snow swimming championship in Finland 2013

2013-01-15 Read more

Christmas Story, Joulutarina, Finland - Story of how Santa Claus came to be Santa

2012-12-16 Read more


Finland Adventure Travel - Travelguide for wildlife inspirations

Anyone with an interest in nature and wildlife should consider a journey to Finland. Finland has a diverse and extensive range of fauna. Some of the wildest places to enjoy wildlife are Kuusamo, Ruka, Rovaniemi, Taivalkoski and Oulu.
2012-07-26 Read more


Kuusamo, Ruka, Lapland, Finland, Oulanka River - Paddling in the nature`s own amusement park

Close to the Arctic circle and Russian border, is a natures lover's paradise in the summer. Canoeing in the river Oulankajoki, Oulanka River, in Ruka, Kuusamo, in Finland is an unbelievably relaxing experience, and at the same time very entertaining.
2012-07-19 Read more

Savonlinna, Helsinki, Finland

Set on two islands between Lake Haapavesi and Lake Pihlajavesi, Savonlinna offers the prettiest of waterscapes.
2012-05-13 Read more

Northern lights, Aurora Borealis, Rovaniemi, Muonio, Lapland, Finland - Discover the amazing lights!

2012-03-16 Read more

The bear wokes up in Rauna, Finland!

2012-03-02 Read more

Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis, Lapland, Finland, in the winter of 2011 - Watch the magic mysterious lights!

2011-12-22 Read more

santa,santa claus,finland,soumi,rovaniemi

Santa from Rovaniemi, Finland - Merry Christmas!!

The Santa on the displayed photo is living in a cave in Rovaniemi in Finland. It`s called The Santa Claus Park, which is connected to the Santa Claus Village located nearby. The park was in 2007 awarded by Topworld International and placed as the second best Travel Adventure in Finland. In the huge cave Santa receive eager visitors who make their wishes for Christmas.
2011-12-22 Read more

Husky dogs safari in Rovaniemi, Lapland in Finland - Get ready for a thrill adventure!

2011-12-12 Read more

Rovaniemi, Finland - Christmas, Santa Claus, husky driving, reindeer tours and more - Watch the video clip!

2011-12-08 Read more

sauna,finland,summer, cottage,forest,wildlife

Sauna rituales in the deep forest in Finland!

There is a time you really feel free. It`s when you enjoy sauna deep in a dense forest in Finland. Here are some rituals for achieving the best out of the sauna. It`s best to do it the Finnish way!
2011-09-30 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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