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Trolls in Sandvika, Oslo, Norway, celebrate Christmas - December 2007

Look at trolls celebrating Christmas in Sandvika near Oslo. They are found in Sandvika Storsenter, which is the largest shopping center in Scandinavia. It covers 190 stores on 8 different floors, 1 km from one end to the other. Here you find a great mix of shops, boutiques and concept stores, but you find also small and big trolls around in the centre. The trolls look scarey, but they spread joy and happinnes in the Christmas time.
Sandvika,troll,trolls,oslo,norway,christmas,storsenterPhoto. A big troll guarding the eager customers in the stressing Christmas.

Stein Morten Lund, 16 December 2007
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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