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Travel Explorations, Moss, Norway - Highlights of 2009!

Happy New Year 2010! Just as we did in the end of earlier year, we went back through our entire news archive for the previous year and selected articles that received most attention from our readers. As we have taken the step into the New Year, we found it interesting to look back and reflect on some of the adventures and discoveries that made our readers really excited.

Photo. A map illustrating the construction and finds on Oak Island, Novia Scotia, in Canada. The search for a possible treasure on the island is called the world biggest treasure hunt. What is hidding underground? We in Travel Explorations visited this island for over 10 years ago.

One of our most amazing news in previous year (2008) was:

Brazil and Peru: Uncontacted tribe photographed near border!
Members of one of the world's last uncontacted tribes have been observed and photographed from the air near the border between Brazil and Peru. According to the organisation Survival International, the photos were taken during several flights over one of the remotest parts of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil's Acre state.

In 2009 these articles were among the most interesting for our readers:

Is the New Temple of God hidden underground on Oak Island?
In the 4th and last part of the documentary on NRK television 29th December 2009 called Sweet Swan of Avon - The Shakespeare Treasure, the Norwegian code cracker Petter Amundsen launched a amazing theory: the New Temple of God is hidden underground on Oak Island, Novia Scotia, in Canada. In this temple Shakespeare`s manuscripts are also stored.

Sweet Swan of Avon - The Shakespeare Treasure – Documentary on TV NRK 8 December 2009!
The Norwegian Broadcasting NRK is the coming weeks displaying the documentary called Sweet Swan of Avon - The Shakespeare Treasure in 4 parts. The Norwegican code cracker Petter Amundsen claims that Shakespeare is not Shakespeare! Who is Shakespeare then? Who has written the world famous plays if it`s not Shakespeare? And what has this to do with the mystery on Oak Island?

Auschwitz, Krakow - The children`s shoes! (in 3 parts)
What happened to children in Auschwitz? Walking around in the largest concentration camp from the Second World War gave me a history lesson for life. The history became so unpleasant real. Auschwitz was also the site of the largest mass murder in the history of the world. Especially one thing made a strong emotional impression on me: a large collection of children`s shoes.

The missing link is found: the 47 million year old primate fossil Ida!
Scientists announced 19 May 2009 in New York the discovery of a 47 million year old primate fossil, known as Ida, that is set to revolutionise our understanding of human evolution. It`s our oldest human ancestor.

The amazing discovery of Ida - Watch video and film about one of our earliest ancestors!
The title of the film is The Link, which is a feature-length documentary film about the dubbed fossil Ida. It`s made by the award-winning Atlantic Productions with exclusive access to Ida and the team of scientists who have examined her. See also an available video about Ida.

Hessdalen - The Norwegian UFO mystery is still not solved!
Despite news in the media previous year about that the big Norwegian UFO mystery was solved, there has not been any mayor breakthrough. Spectacular pictures and video recordings have been obtained, but so far there has not been found any correlation with other scientific measurements.

New search for the Norwegian Polar hero Roald Amundsen!
The Royal Norwegian Navy announced Monday 23 February 2009 that Norway plans to renew search for the South Pole conqueror Roald Amundsen's plane. It`s 81 years after it vanished during an Arctic rescue mission.

Galdhøgpiggen - Happy together on the roof of Norway (in 2 parts)
Galdhøpiggen, Galdhogpiggen, is the magical walk, but not without challenges. Galdhøgpiggen is far below half of the height compared with Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, but you get a much stronger impression of the height on Galdhøgpiggen. Watch up and keep your balance in the dramatic Norwegian landscape on your way to the top.

You can enjoy read these news and articles on our website. Hopefully it will give you some inspiration to explore more the the world!

We in Travel Exploratirons wonder about what 2010 will give us of discoveries and excting travel adventures. It`s always something unexpected that will show up, and that`s make it so interesting to follow expeditions around the world.

Stein Morten Lund, 3 January 2010

Additional information
Travel Explorations is a global travelguide covering news and articles about travel adventures and discoveries around the world. For more amazing news and breathtaking travel adventures: www.TravelExplorations.com

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