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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

Tiahuanuco – Tiwanaku - a great ancient wonder of Bolivia - Part 2 of 2!

At Tiahuanaco it`s possible to admire distinctive stone heads on the walls, mysterious stone carvings, stone maps, calendars, high statues, monoliths, open air and semi-underground temples. Is this wonder really built by humans?
This continueing article is based on my tour in Bolivia in July 2002. One of the highlights on the tour was exploring the ancient site of Tiahuanaco.

Tiahuanaco (also called Tiwanaku) was obvious a major ceremonial centre of a culture that spread across much of the region. The ancient people built a pyramid of crude stones known as the Akapana.

Archaeological studies of the area have focused mainly on the architecture, which consists of many perfectly carved stones fitted together to form mighty walls and pyramids. It is estimated that between 30,000-40,000 people were living in and around the progressive city. So far little is known about the crafts, food storage systems, llama herds or fishing methods.

Alan Kolata, an archaeologist, describes the center of the city and the moat surrounding it saying it was most likely used for ceremonial purposes, not necessarily warfare or defense. Also, because of the yearly torrential rainfall the moats served to distribute the rain to other drainage canals found throughout the city, which dumped it into the Tiwanaku River.


Contact Ranabol Expeditions for more information and booking your adventure tour in Bolivia:

Manager: Ramiro Cortez Soria
Address: Ranabol Expeditions, Av. Ayacucho 112 y Heroínas, Bolivia
Phone Office: 0591 - 4 - 4583039
Mobile 71717097
Website: www.aventurabolivia.com
E-mail: ranabolraf@hotmail.com

Akapana is the largest pyramid and was once thought to be a modified hill. Its base was later found to be constructed of perfectly cut and joined facing stone blocks, a trademark of their architecture. There were also six "T" shaped terraces with vertical stone pillars, another distinct design. The floors were packed dirt, most likely from the dug out moats surrounding each structure, and the top of Akapana held a sunken court yard (Richardson 122).

The architecture displays unusual features. Many of the enormous monolithic stone blocks seem to have been cast rather than carved.

Photo. This statue is a bit of a mystery to most people.

The items in each hand are not clearly identified with any relic from this time period.

The Tiahuanaco people are thought to be a peaceful civilization that existed before the Incas.

In the beginning I didn`t think Tiahuanaco looked spectacle such as the ruins of Machu Picchu and Teotihuacan. The excavated central part of the city is quite small and one can walk across it in five minutes. Since so much has been demolished and removed over thousand of years, especially after the Spanish appeared, there are not a large number of structures to be seen.

Photo. Kalasayaya temple, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.

This lack of visual grandeur is one the reasons that Tiahuanaco has not had extensive archaeological reconstruction like the great Maya or Inca sites. The Bolivian government, unable to make a lot of money from tourists visiting the unspectacular site, has sponsored only a minimum of research and reconstruction. Additionally, because no rich burials and glittering jewels have ever been found, most archaeologists have by passed the ruins in hopes of excavating sites that will bring them more fame. If it were not for the pioneering work of Arthur Posnansky, we would have little idea of the astronomical significance of the site, or of its stunning antiquity.

Amazing discoveries
Arthur Posnansky, a German-Bolivian scholar, has studied Tiahuanaco for almost fifty years. Walking around the ruins, he noticed dozens of things which could not be explained by the conventional archeological theory nor fit into its chronological framework. All over the site were enormous blocks of stone that no known pre-Columbian culture had the technology to fashion or transport. But even more astonishing, the spatial arrangement of these structures - relative to one another and to the celestial realm - indicated that their builders had a highly sophisticated knowledge of mathematics and astronomy.

As part of Posnansky`s studies, he had conducted precise surveys of all the principal structures of Tiahuanaco. The Kalasasaya structure, a rectangular enclosure measuring about 450 feet by 400 feet, was delineated by a series of vertical stone pillars (the name Kalasasaya means "the standing pillars") and had an east-west orientation. Utilizing his measurements of the lines of sight along these stone pillars, the orientation of the Kalasasaya, and the purposely intended deviations from the cardinal points, Posnansky was able to show that the alignment of the structure was based upon an astronomical principle called the obliquity of the ecliptic.

There is no known technology in all the ancient world that could have transported stones of such massive weight and size. The Andean people of 500 AD, with their simple reed boats, could certainly not have moved them. Even today, with all the modern advances in engineering and mathematics, we could not fashion such a structure. How were these monstrous stones moved and what was their purpose? Posnansky suggested an answer, based upon his studies of the astronomical alignments of Tiahuanaco, but that answer is considered so controversial, even impossible, that it has been ignored and censured by the scientific community for fifty years.

Photo. The gate of sun (the author of the article on the left hand side).

One of the astronomical alignments of Tiahuanaco?

Among these are the ancient myths of Tiahuanaco (from throughout the Andean region) that tell of its founding and use in a pre-flood time; the scientific studies that prove a cataclysmic flood occurred some twelve thousand years ago; the utensils, tools, and the fragments of human skeletons that are mixed in with the deepest layers of the flood alluvia (indicating human use of the site prior to the great flood); and the strange carvings of bearded, non-Andean people that are found around the site (replete with sculptural and iconographic detailing that is completely unique in the western hemisphere).

Posnansky, and other writers such as Graham Hancock and Zecharia Sitchin, have suggested that these findings and the astronomical alignments of the site, strongly point to the likelihood that the original Tiahuanaco civilization flourished many thousands of years before the period assumed by conventional archaeologists. Rather than rising and falling during the two millennia around the time of Christ, Tiahuanaco may have existed during the vastly older time of the last Ice Age, some 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. The implications of this are truly stunning. Tiahuanaco may be (along with Teotihuacan in Mexico, Baalbeck in Lebanon, and the Great Pyramid in Egypt) a surviving fragment of a long lost civilization.

Who were the people of this lost civilization, and where was it located?
To find more out about the mysteries connected to the historical site, you can read Hancock's fascinating book, "Fingerprints of the Gods". In support of his radical ideas concerning the great antiquity of Tiahuanaco, Hancock gives startling proof that the coast line of South America was mapped in extraordinarily accurate detail long before that continent was "discovered" by Europeans.

Maps such as Piri Reis map of 1513 and the Oronteus Finaeus map of 1531, depict the coastline of southern South America and - on the same map - accurately show the subglacial topography of nearby Antarctica beneath its great layer of ice. (Both these maps have notes on their borders saying they were copied from much earlier sources.) Modern-day geological studies have confirmed the relatively young age of the Antarctica ice, with the deepest layers being no more than 8000 years old.

Simply explained this means that some unknown civilization had explored and precisely mapped the then ice-free continent of Antarctica thousands of years before it was first sighted by Europeans in 1818. Could it be possible that people living for so long ago have been

Stein Morten Lund, 26 June 2004

Additional information
Click on the links below for more information about ancient sites in Bolivia:

Presentation of our partner in Bolivia (sponsored presentation and link):

Ranabol Expeditions, Boliva - taking you into unexplored areas
The company is a pioneer in expeditions and unique adventures in Bolivia. It has specialised on trekking tours to untouched places in high mountains and tropical jungles. Some parts are still unexplored in Bolivia. The company`s guides know well areas as Incallajta, Toro Toro, Samaipata, Tunari, Chapare, Villa Tunari, Isiboro Sécure, Parque Amboró, Incachaca and many other places.

Ranabol arranges expeditions to the Devil's Canyon where you will travel by canoe on the Grande River. On these tours there will be great opportunities to visit archaeological places (Inca sites etc), watch huge dinosaur prints, study cave paintings, admire hot springs and canyons with vertical walls.


You can also observe a unique wildlife in the area as condors, elks, deer, and also for fishing so you can make your own food in the wilderness. Several other animals species can be found in areas around as the endemic and endangered red frontered macaw, the andean cat, mountain lions, parakeets, and many species of songbirds.


Ranabol take you to unique places where you can experience the rich culture in the country. Bolivian culture has many Inca and other Indian influences in religion, music and clothing. The most well known fiesta is the UNESCO heritage "El carnaval de Oruro". Bolivia has long been inhabited by advanced cultures, the most important being the civilization of Tiahuanaco. The country is full of ancient mysteries waiting for being solved, and exploring this important Pre-Columbian archaeological site, is something that really makes you excited. The ruins of the Tiahuanaco are on the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca, about 72 km (44 miles) west of Bolivia's capital La Paz.


Going by Ranabol you can also experience Bolivia's many great natural wonders. One of the greatest is Lake Titicaca (Spanish: Lago Titicaca), which is South America's largest lake and, considered to be the highest navigable lake in the world. Another great wonder is the Salar de Uyuni, which is the world's largest salt flat. Located 3650 meter high, Salar de Uyuni sits in the Departmento of Potosí in southwest Bolivia near the crest of the Andes. It's now a centre for salt extraction and processing in Colchani; Ojos del Salar. In some areas in the salt flat, cold underground water rises to the surface and bubbles up through the salt layer, creating unusual shapes from the eruptions of the salt. Isla del Pescado is a hilly outpost covered with cactuses and surrounded by a flat, white sea hexagonal salt tile. Other natural wonders in Bolivia are Volcan Tunupa, Lake Colorada, and Lake Verde.


Ranabol Expeditions also offer several challenging activities as rafting, kayaking, trekking, rappelling, canoeing, paragliding, mountain biking etc. Contact the company for more information and suggestions. 


Contact info:

Manager: Ramiro Cortez Soria

Address: Ranabol Expeditions, Av. Ayacucho 112 y Heroínas, Bolivia
Phone Office: 0591 - 4 - 4583039
Mobile 71717097

Website: www.aventurabolivia.com

E-mail: ranabolraf@hotmail.com


Facts about Bolivia:
Formal country name: Republic of Bolivia
Area: 1.09 million sq km
Population: 8.8 million
People: 30% Quechua Indian, 25% mestizo, 30% Aymará Indian, approx 15% European (principally Spanish)
Language: Aymara, Quechua, Spanish
Religion: 95% Roman Catholic, Protestant (Evangelical Methodist)
Government: republic

For further reading about the ancient mysteries:

In this book Hancock deftly sets forth tantalizing evidence to suggest the past existence of a long lost, long forgotten civilization which might have had more influence on ancient history than previously imagined. It is generally believed that the oldest human civilizations developed around the Nile River or the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers and are about 5000 years old.

Hancock believes that a highly developed, technologically advanced civilization flourished during the last Ice Age and was destroyed more than 12,000 years ago by the widespread climactic and geophysical changes which ended the Ice Age. In propounding his original theories, Mr. Hancock marshals data from diverse scientific fields such as geology, astronomy, cartography, and mathematics, to name just a few. He also incorporates pictures and myths from his travels to ancient ruins in Egypt, Central America, and South America.

Hancock's writing always remains accessible to the lay reader and the book reads more like an entertaining travelogue than a pseudo-scientific tome. The narrative is a bit desultory, at times, but since the subject matter is so novel, one tends to plow ahead. FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS might not always convince the skeptical reader, but it rarely ever fails to intrigue.

In a documentery produced by Discovery, Hancock was interviewed. His theories is very fascinating, but perphaps too fantasyful. Several critical questions were asked in this TV programme about Hancock`s theories.

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