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The Spirit Of Speyside Whisky Festival 2005 - Whisky, Music, Food & Fun in the Malt Whisky Country Scotland!

The festival goes on from 28th April to the 2nd of May 2005. The Spirit Of Speyside Whisky Festival is now in its seventh year and this year is going to be bigger and better than ever, according to the Festival Co-ordinator Wendy Clements.

Music from the great party. © Spirit Of Speyside Whisky festival.

It is a celebration of the whiskies of Speyside, combining specialist tours and tastings for the connoisseur, and music and cultural events for the whole family, in total around 200 events packed into the 4 days, all over Speyside.

Aberlour alone has over 60 events and is also hosting the Festival Marquee and Information Zone right at the heart of the village in the Alice Littler Park.

Here it is something for everyone to enjoy. The Festival reflects the rich heritage of whisky-making which is an integral part of the lives of the Speyside communities.

For further information and to view the full programme of events for the Spirit Of Speyside Whisky festival, go to www.spiritofspeyside.com

Photos. Toasting and tasting the "water of life". © Spirit Of Speyside Whisky festival

The breathtaking scenery of its mountains, highlands and lochs, the wild magnificence of its coastline and the inspiring architecture and lively pubs and clubs of its cities - like a fine single malt, Scotland is a country to be experienced. And even more: listen to bagpipe music, and not forget to look for the sea monster Nessia in Loch Ness. Discover all it all!

Stein Morten Lund, 11 April 2005

Additional information
Is there any unknown monster down in the Lock Ness at all? And if it is, will it ever be caught? How does it really look like? Many people still go to Lock Ness in Scotland, surrounded by an beautiful scenery, hoping to see a glimpse of the famous monster with the nickname Nessie. Is he really there?

Photo. Popular souvenir of the sea monster Nessie - Scotland.

You probably don't believe before you see it. Below you can participate in the big hunt for Nessie. This monster do everything do avoid people. But do it like the big media focus? Let us hope that this monster is more willing to appear on the Internet.

See the following links with cameras: www.lochness.scotland.net/camera.cfm

Surface camera:
Here you can look out for Nessie with a special web camera on the shores of Loch Ness (cover view from Temple Pier to Urquhart Castle).

Underwater camera:
Transmitting pictures live to the Internet from below the surface of Loch Ness: www.nessie.co.uk

Brings you facts, pictures and sightings of this most elusive of creatures. With documented evidence, film, first-hand accounts, stories, scientific studies and expeditions you will find out more about the mythical Loch Ness Monster: www.webcams.scotland.net

Also here you can participate in the hunt for Nessie and watch live pictures from below the surface of Loch Ness.

Links for more information about Scotch Whisky:  

The Scotch Whisky Association: www.scotch-whisky.org.uk 

Scotch Whisky Net: www.scotchwhisky.net 

Undiscovered Scotland: www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk 

Scottish Tourist Board: www.visitscotland.com

Caithness Community Website: www.caithness.org 

Dumfries and Galloway: www.dumfries-and-galloway.co.uk 

Edinburgh Guide: www.edinburghguide.com 

Aberdeen & Grampian Tourist Board: www.agtb.org

Facts about Scotland:
Formal country name: Scotland
Area: 78,772 sq km
Population: 4.99 million
Capital City: Edinburgh
People: Celts, Anglo-Saxons
Language: Gaelic, English
Religion: The two largest religious denominations are the Presbyterian Church of Scotland (47%) and the Roman Catholic Church (16%), with 28% claiming no religious affiliation at all. Non-Christian religions account for only 2% of the population, mostly small communities of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Jews.

For more information: www.LonelyPlanet.com.

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