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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

The legendary Atlantis is found on Thera, the modern day Santorini!


"Atlantis"- trailer from BBC One. Uploaded on YouTube by BBC 31st January 2011. 

I watched the BBC fantastic movie last evening on 5th January 2012, and it made a great impression on me. In 1986 I was on Thera, the modern day Santorini, without thinking too much about Antlantis. Anyway I could understand that Santorini had an dramatic history. It`s has been the place for the world`s worst cathastrophe in ancient time. This disaster made at the same time the remains of the island to something unique.

Read the article in two parts from 2002 on our website TravelExplorations.
Santorino -The truth is out there! This Creek island is more than a paradise for sun and beach loving tourists. It has probably a history that is related to a great story in the bible or maybe more. Remains of the lost Atlantis? Origin for god and the bible?

Watch BBC`s trailer for a visually spectacular drama about the greatest natural disaster to shake the ancient world, the destruction of the island of Thera, the modern day Santorini around 1620 BC.
For more information about Atlantis and the documentary, see BBC programmes.

Many experts now believe that this volcanic eruption and its catastrophic impact on Europe's first great civilisation, the Minoans, inspired the legend of Atlantis.

But I think the last word is not said. There has been, and there will still be launched new hypotheses placing the sunken island in many places around in the Atlantic Ocean and Europe. In 2011, a team, working on a documentary for the Discovery Channel, led by Professor Richard Freund, from the University of Hartford, claimed to have found evidence of the city in the Doñana National Park mud flats in South Western Andalusia, in Spain.

Where do you think Antlantis was located, or it is just a myth?

Stein Morten Lund, 6th January 2012

Read more about Thera, Santorino, on our website TravelExplorations.

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