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The carnival in Rio is over after 5 crazy and rainy days!

Is this the greatest show in the world? One thing is sure: this year carnival has been the best ever, say experts! 80 000 tourists have visited Rio de Janerio in Brazil during the great arrangement (21 - 24 February 2004). For most of them it has been a experience of lifetime, but for others it has been a terrible encounter with violence and criminal acitivities.
Photo. Dancing in the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Photo Copyright: Brazilian Explorer.

The Samba Parade was arrangend on 22 and 23 February (2004). Rio de Janeiro celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the Sambodrome. The structure designed by architect Niemeyer, considered of many to be home to the greatest show on earth, is actually named Passarela Darcy Ribeiro. It has witnessed memorable events and this year was no exception. According to experts this year arrangement has been the best ever. Not even the hard rain to stop the fantastic carnival.


This sucessfull carnival has also a sad side. The Tourist Police have noted a new record: each hour during the 5 days an tourist has been robbed.

Carnival is Rio's main event. It happens at the peak of summer, when Cariocas are at their best. Festivities attract thousands of people from all corners of the world. Carnival, as spelled in Portuguese, is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday, and ends on Fat Tuesday, or Mardi-Gras. Dates change every year. Carnival Sunday is seven weeks before Easter Sunday.


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These photos are from the previous carnival. Soon we will be back with photos from this years fantastic show.  Some of the Samba shools that display their customs at the carnival are Beija Flor, Grande Rio, Imperatriz, Mocidade, Viradouro, Salgueiro and Portela.

The photos below are from the ultimate guide about Brazil - the website Brazil Explorerer (www.brazil.de ).  


Many consider the carnival in Rio de Janeiro as the BIGGEST HUMAN ARTISTIC MANIFESTATION on earth. Many will also see it as the most beautiful show in the world. Look at the photos below, and you will understand why! Photos are from the website the ultimate guide about Brazil - the Brazil Explorer (www.brazil.de )

To see more great more great photos from the carnival, click on the link www.brazil.de  (photos from this years carnival will soon be available).

The Samba parade is Carnival's main event and it's definitely a must. Going to Rio during Carnival and not watching the parade is unforgivable. Especially for tourists from other countries it is a unique experience to dress up in costume of any Samba School and join the parade. Then they can really feel the presence and sound from the 400 drummers while they dance and party at the Sambadrome.

According to the Brazilian website Ipanema/Ipacom Travel (ipanema.com), the origins of Carnival are unclear, but most agree that it started as a pagan celebration in ancient Rome, or Greece. Carnival balls were imported from Italy in the late nineteenth century, and had their golden era in the thirties, with legendary balls at the Copacabana Palace, and the Municipal Theater.

The Samba Parade began in the 30's - first timidly at Praça XI, and later on Av. Presidente Vargas. It found a permanent home in 1984 at the Sambodrome, in the downtown area. Each year the event is broadcasted to dozens of countries, and all Brazilian states.

Many people think of the carnival in Rio as the greatest show on earth. Take a look at the beautiful photos once more and you will be convinced: there is no doubt about that!

Stein Morten Lund, 3 March 2004

Additional information
Read more about the Brazil in general and especial the carnival at the website Brazil Explorer - the ultimate guide about Brazil www.brazil.de.

Read more about Rio de Janeiro and the incredible carnival at the website: ipanema.com.


See also other articles and photos from the carnival in Rio on our website: www.TravelExplorations.com.

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