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Places of a lifetime!

What are the world's top destinations, places that every curious traveller should visit in a lifetime? Could it be cities as Amsterdam, Athens, Rome, Bangkok, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona, Jerusalem, Beijing, Los Angeles or other places? Join National Geographic`s poll, and vote for the city you most like to visit!

Photo. Sagrada Familia, a great monument in Barcelona (in Spain), designed by the famous architect Antonio Gaudi (1852-1926). Barcelona, a place of lifetime?

In October 1999 National Geographic Traveler showcased 50 of the world's top destinations, places that every curious traveler should visit in a lifetime.

Now National Geographic has expanded its Places of a Lifetime franchise online, with personal essays on top destinations and the addition of a wealth of timely service information, from insiders' tips on the best places to stay and eat, to great books and music, to recommended walking tours.

Places of a Lifetime Features 
Dublin, Florence, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Madrid 

Take WorldWise Quizzes
See how much you know about all the cities featured in Places of a Lifetime with these interactive quizzes. Challenge yourself, learn interesting facts, and have some fun!

Photo Gallery: Athens Landmarks
Explore this ancient city from the ruins of the Acropolis to the modern joys of Monastiraki market.

In National Geographic online Places of a Lifetime you'll find both inspiration and practical travel tips.

Which city would you most like to visit?
Join a poll for voting on your favourite place and read more about top destinations on National Geographic`s website:

Stein Morten Lund, 7 May 2009

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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