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Lipa cave, Montenegro - A journey to another world

Lipa cave Montenegro

Dived into one of the Earth's mysterious depths, the wild Lipa cave. Its combination of stunning formations, narrow passages and vast chambers, with crystal-clear underground pools and walls glistening with moisture, gave me a feeling of entering another world. 

Photo. Lipa cave in Montenegro - got the feeling of entering another world. © Travel Explorations.

The cave is one of the largest caves in Montenegro. Here I ventured into its wild system of 2.5 km of passages and halls. 

Known to locals for centuries, Lipa Cave has been explored more extensively in recent decades. The cave's interior is a mix of narrow passages and vast chambers, with crystal-clear underground pools and walls glistening with moisture. Shadows dance around the adventurer as they navigate the rugged terrain, showcasing both the beauty and the challenge of the subterranean world. Lipa cave is one of the largest cave monuments in Montenegro. 

The cave boasts a variety of stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and draperies formed over thousands of years. There are underground lakes and streams within the cave system, contributing to its dynamic and evolving landscape. Entering this cave I got the feeling of entering another world. It was definitely far from anything else I have seen before. 

It reminded me of the book Journey to the Center of the Earth, a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans descend into the Icelandic volcano Snæfellsjökull, encountering many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, before eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy, at the Stromboli volcano.

From a scientific point of view, this story has not aged quite as well as other Verne stories, since most of his ideas about what the interior of the Earth contains have since been disproved, but it still manages to captivate audiences when regarded as a classic fantasy novel. Including me. Anyway my experiences in Lipa cave was from the stories in this book, and it turned out undramatic whole the way. 

Stein Morten Lund, May 2024

Additional information
Lipa Cave offers a unique and memorable experience for those interested in natural history, geology, but first of all it`s a ultimate adventure. It is one of the largest cave systems in Montenegro, is a natural wonder located near the town of Cetinje. Here is some detailed information about Lipa Cave:

  • Location: Near Cetinje, Montenegro
  • Length: Approximately 2.5 kilometers (1.55 miles) of explored passages
  • Depth: Varies with different chambers and passages, but some sections can be quite deep.

For more information about the Lipa cave. 

Nearby attractions: 

  • Cetinje: The historic town of Cetinje, with its rich cultural heritage, is nearby. Visitors often combine a trip to the cave with a visit to Cetinje’s museums, monasteries, and historic sites.
  • Lovćen National Park: The park offers hiking, scenic views, and additional outdoor activities, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts.
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