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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

Is the New Temple of God hidden underground on Oak Island?

In the 4th and last part of the documentary on NRK television 29th December 2009 called Sweet Swan of Avon - The Shakespeare Treasure, the Norwegian code cracker Petter Amundsen launched an amazing theory: the New Temple of God is hidden underground on Oak Island, Novia Scotia, in Canada. In this temple Shakespeare`s manuscripts are also stored.
Oak Island,tree of life,ShakespearePhoto. The life of three on Oak Island illustrated by Petter Amundsen on television, NRK, Norwegian Broadcasting: www.nrk.no).

The concept of a tree of life as a many-branched tree illustrating the idea that all life on earth is related has been used in science, religion, philosophy, mythology, and other areas(source: Wikipedia).

A person who joined Petter on his last trip to Oak Island had earlier mapped the ground under a waterhole, and claimed that it was a huge metal complex there. Amundsen has is own theory what it could be. As he allegeted on the documentary last part, it could be the New Temple of God constructed by the secret orden, the Rosenkreutzers. Perhaps Bacon is buried there too. Amundsen`s cracking of codes in Shakespeare`s plays was also verified by a international reknown code expert this part of the documentary. Anyway Amundsen has a long way to walk to be taken serious by the so called Shakespeare`s experts, who have so far rejected all his theories.

Unfortunetaly Petter Amundsen was stopped at the same place I and my friend Geir were chased away. The landowner Fred Noland on Oak Island didn`t give Petter permission to search for the big treasure on his property.

The documentary is made of the Norwegian film producer Videomaker. It`s based on discoveries made by the Norwegian amateur cryptograph and organ player organist Petter Amundsen in Shakespeare's plays. The findings are also the basis for his book “The Organ player” ("The Organist" in Norwegian), who wrote together by the famous Norwegian author Erlend Loe.

Based on finds of several unknown codes in Shakespeare`s plays, Amundsen believes that he has found evidence to suggest that Shakespeare is not the real author, but a straw man for a Rosenkreutzers project.

Amundsen allegete that Sir Francis Bacon and his fellows among Rosenkreutzers (Rosenkreutzerne) stand behind Shakespeare`s plays. If Amundsen theory will be proved, Shakespreare`s plays were written to spread information among people.

Stein Morten Lund, 30 Desember 2009

Additional information Petter Amunsen

Petter has been researching the subject of ciphers in Shakespeare's First Folio, the Oak Island enigma, and their connections with Rosicrucianism. In his professional life he is a church organist in Oslo.

Petter has written a book which is not yet available in English. But a preview of his research findings on Shakespeare and the Rosy Cross can be downloaded here.

His work has been featured in the documentary Sweet Swan of Avon. More information can be found at the links below:

http://www.videomaker.no/press/descriptiuon-eng.pdf http://www.videomaker.no/press/synopsis_eng.pdf http://www.britishshakespearecompany.com/film.html
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