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Exotic Tribes
Be a responsible traveller. Show tribal people respect and meet them on their premises. Visiting people with a different lifestyle and culture could sometimes be a very rewarding adventure, but be aware of that many tribal communities are extremely vulnerable to outside influences. All tribal people need to be protected from tourists in order to preserve their unique lifestyle and cultures. Travellers should understand that some tribes would like to live undisturbed, and that visit would be an intrusion.

Into the heartland of the Bedouins in Jordan

Far in the desert in Dana, south in Jordan, the condition for living is impossible, except for the Bedouin people. They live so close to the nature that they knew each inch of it, and can make their life sustainable. By walking through deep canyons and high mountains, I reached the sandy and rocky desert area where the Bedouins live.

Everywhere I showed up by a camp, I was invited in to the people's tents for tea and for cooling down in the shadow. The weather was extremely warm, and so was the heart of the people….
Photo. A Bedouin family is studing my book about Norway. The eyes became really big when they saw photos of Trolls. Copyright © Travel Explorations.

My wandering for hours on 8 July this year (2005) become real rewarding when I spotted the first small Bedouin camps. I was desperate for finding a big shadow where I could hide from the hot burning sun. Sooner or later I will be overheated if I didn't find an appropriate place to rest. Therefore I was delighted to be invited by the Bedouins to join them in their tents, so I could cool down.

For protection against the sun and to be a part of the Bedouin society, I wear a scarf on my head as the Bedouins do. It's called "Hata" for men. It`s based on an old tradition, and it's means honour. My Bedouin name become "Dims", based on my original name Stein, which means "stone" or "rock".

Jordan is the country for the ultimate desert adventure. Here you can meet several nomadic groups as the Bedouin people, and experience their culture and lifestyle. The word Bedu comes from the Arabic word, Badawi, which means "a dweller of the desert". 

Photos. Stein is walking in the Dana desert. Copyright © Travel Explorations.

The Bedouins have learned to survive in a harsh landscape and an extreme climate. They treat the surroundings with completely respect, knowing that the wilderness has no respect for fools. The Bedouins walk continuously on a thin line between life and death, balancing with enormous strength and unique skills.

The wild nature of the Dana region
The Dana region is covered by canyons and mountains, which extend from the top of the Rift Valley down to the desert lowlands of Wadi Araba, an elevation drop of over 1600 meters.

Dana embraces two major biogeographically zones and four distinct vegetation zones and contains a remarkable diversity of landscapes, ranging from wooded highlands and rocky slopes to gravel plains and sand dunes. It supports a wide variety of wildlife, including many rare species of plants and animals.  

Photo. A Bedouin tent in Dana - harsh conditions for living.
Copyright © Travel Explorations.

In the Dana desert there is definitely no air condition. It's more like a "fire condition", or shall a say a natural sauna (hot bath). There is not much to do in day without being roasted by the sun. The Bedouin way of life is to take it easy: Not hurry, not worry! The most important thing for them in the day times is to take care of their herds of goats and sheeps, so they don't loose them.

Photos. Bedouin people showed their best hospitality. Copyright © Travel Explorations.

On the photo to the right locals are eagerly studing my book about my homecountry Norway.

Nothing much happens in the day time in the hottest season, but when the evenings comes it starts to get lively. To sit by the bonfire together with the Bedouins eating, drinking, talking and sing, is a wonderful experience. It's also a special experience sleeping out in open air with dogs, goats, camels, donkeys, cats, bunnies around you. How would it be like to be kissed by a donkey or a camel in the night? Read coming stories on our website about my journey through the land of the Bedouins nomads.

Jordan - Coming up news and articles
In the coming weeks Travel Explorations will publish more stories about Bedouins and about Jordan in general. We will cover ancient wonders, mysteries, nature, legends about Lawrence of Arabia and more.

The wide range of opportunities in the region as sightseeing tours, pilgrimage tours, SPA therapy treatments, bathing in the natural hot springs, hiking in beautiful canyons and nature reserves, diving in the Red Sea, camel treks in the desert and other great adventure tours, make it interesting for everyone with passion for travelling.

One highlight is to experience the "rose-red" city of Petra, an UNESCO world heritage site. The city was carved out from a mountain by the Nabaten. And even more: the whole Jordan is full of ancient sites, tombs and monasteries. Many sites are still unexplored. Today several excavations are going on around in the country. 

Another highlight is swimming at the lowest point on Earth, which 400 meters below sea level. Actual the expression of swimming is not totally correct while you will rather be floating than swimming in the Dead Sea.

Stein Morten Lund, 17 July 2005

Additional information
The tour operator Jordan Beauty Tours made my tour become a great adventure for life. Especially thanks to these persons: Joseph, Ibrahim, Abdulah and Ali.

Contact information for our recommended tour operator in Jordan (who also arrange tours to other countries in the Middle East):
Jordan Beauty Tours
Tel. +962 795581644
Fax. +962 3 2154 999
E-mail: info@jordanbeauty.com
Website: www.jordanbeauty.com
Tourist St. Near Movenpick Hotel
P.O.Box : 8
Petra 71810

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