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Amazing Places
Here we present the most exciting destinations on earth. The world is bigger than you think! Humans` explorations of earth leads to the most amazing adventures. Neither words, photograps nor films do the world`s places justice - they must been seen, heard and touched.

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl,Munich,Germany

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, Munich - the place for beer, music and socialising

This fantastic beer hall is always fullpacked. You can immediately feel the energy and joy here. Just take a step inside and you will be lifted up to great hights. Hofbräuhaus am Platzl has also a dark secret from past: Hitler used to make speeches here to Nazi supporters.


Is Santorini the remains of Atlantis?

The myth of the lost Atlantis is one of the most popular mysteries in the world. It’s possible that Atlantis has existed, but never been discovered, or it has not existed at all. Could the idyllic island Santorini in Greek be the place?

2023-01-25 Read more

Ksiaz Castle in Poland

What is hidding benath the Ksiaz Castle in Poland?

The Ksiaz Castle in Poland looks like a fairytale. However, its history tells a different story: the underground is full of secret tunnels and chambers from the Second World War. What was the purpose of this amazing construction? The castle has a remarkable history and great mysteries to be solved.

Nazi Gold Train, Wałbrzych, Poland

Searched in the dark for Nazi Gold Train near Wałbrzych, Poland

Searched today for the Nazi Gold Train or Wałbrzych Gold Train. Since World War Two there have been rumours that a train full of loot and guns disappeared into a complex of tunnels - part of a secret military project Riese which the Nazis never finished.

Sao Jorge Castle

Castelo de São Jorge, Lisbon - a landmark that really

São Jorge Castle - Castelo de São Jorge a wonderful landmark in Lisbon. Took a walk to the top today. The silhouette of the Castle stands out both by day and when illuminated at night. Located on the summit of São Jorge hill, the highest in Lisbon. The hillside also houses two of the city’s neighbourhoods called Alfama and Castelo.


2022-04-09 Read more

National Palace of Pena

National Palace of Pena, Sintra, Lisbon, Portugal - Fairytale experience in wonderland

Went far up to explore one of the biggest wonders in the world: the National Palace of Pena stands out as the renowned jewel in the crown of the Sintra Hills in southern Portugal. The surrounding lush, green and wild park is in close harmony with the magical architecture of the palace.

2022-04-09 Read more

Masada,Isreal,siege of Masada,unesco,dead sea,judean desert

Masada, Israel - an incredible story about triumph and tragedy

Experienced Masada - an amazing archaeological site in Israel. Masada rises 300 meters above the desert. Got insight in a dramatic episode from old time and become totally shocked. 


Høyt og Lavt Activity Park, Larvik, Norway - Experienced the world from the tree tops

Høyt og Lavt Activity Park, Larvik, Norway - Experienced the world from the tree tops

Soaring high in Scandinavia's largest climbing park was an thrill experience! It`s fun activity park for the whole family in the beautiful valley Lågendalen. 

Kaupang,Viking, village, Viking,buried,Larvik,Norway

Kaupang, Larvik - The mystery of why Norway`s first Viking town vanished

On 3rd August 2020 we took part in the history of viking life and death in the town of Kaupand near Larvik in southern Norway. Experienced also crafts, knowledge, religion and food culture. For me it looked like that the growing town in the past had optimal conditions to exist, but suddenly it all disapeared. By a coincident remains of the town was discovered by a farmer. The mystery goes on, but new shed of light on what happened ....

Titlis,mount titlis,alps,switzerland,uri,uri alps

Mount Titlis, Switzerland - Stunning fun on the top!

Enjoyed the breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps from the top of the Mount Titlis. Ventured a magic crossing over the Cliff Walk, the highest suspension bridge in Europe, and walked through the stunning Glacier Cave. Took a ride on the Ice Flyer to really feel soaring in the air.

Jerusalem, Israel - Praying at the Western Wall

Praying at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem took place after the Temple was destroyed by the Titus and the Romans in 70 A.D. The Western Wall was the only wall remaining of the Temple, and witness people`s praying here today is really an interesting experience. 

Jesus,burial site,Jerusalem,Isreal

Jerusalem, Israel - Walked in the final steps of Jesus

As one of billions around the world I have heard of Jesus Christ, but not so many know much about the places he walked, ministered, lived, and become arrested, executed and buried. Jesus's final steps in Jerusalem are still discussed by historicans. The New Testament covers places associated with Jesus, but are they really identified?

2019-08-15 Read more

Ein Gedi,Ein Gedi Nature Reserve,israel

Ein Gedi natural reserve, Israel - A tropical paradise

Hiking in Ein Gedi nature reserve - a tropical paradise. It has the biggest oasis in Israel. Admired beautiful springs and waterfalls, and flowing brooks at the foot of the cliffs. There are also swimming holes and a cave here. This part of the Judean desert is home to wild goats ibexes and rock rabbit hyraxes.

2019-08-13 Read more

The Blomsholm Stone Ship, stone circle, Stromstad, Sweden. Strømstad, Sverige.

The Blomsholm stone ship - Strømstad, Sweden

For almost 2,000 years, the Blomsholm Ship has 'sailed' across the meadows. It covers also a pre-historic grave: does it symbolise the buried person's last journey?

Ananuri castle,Georgia

Ananuri Castle, Georgia - Battles, secrets and legends

Ananuri is one of hundreds of Georgian medieval castles, named after the next village, on the Georgian Military Road. The castle and the fortress were built in 16th century by the Dukes of Aragv which ruled the area since the 13th century. 

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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