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Fjords in Norway on top - National Geographic Destinations Rated survey 2009!

National Geographic published results on 27 October 2009 from its Destinations Rated survey 2009, showed that Norwegian Fjords become selected to be the most beautiful travel destination in the World. Norwegian Fjords become on top in 2004 too.


This is the sixth annual survey of destination stewardship to appear in National Geographic`s travel magazine Traveler. It was conducted by the National Geographic Society's Center for Sustainable Destinations.

The 437 experts in the panel were asked to evaluate only the places with which they were familiar, using National Geographic`s customary six criteria, weighted according to importance:

environmental and ecological quality social and cultural integrity condition of historic buildings and archaeological sites; aesthetic appeal; quality of tourism management outlook for the future

As National Geographic writes on its website: "The Fjords, which topped the charts in our 2004 rankings, get even higher marks this year. "About as good as can be done,"says one panelist. The gorgeous scenery and the "well-preserved Norwegian rural life" are vigorously protected, plus "the local people seem to benefit." Should keep a wary eye on the growing cruise business. The Geiranger Fjord - Geirangerfjorden, and the Naroyfjord - Nærøyfjorden, stand now also on UNESCO`s World Heritage List.

The top 10 are:

85 Fjords Region, Norway

81 Kootenay/Yoho National Parks, British Columbia

80 Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec

80 South Island, New Zealand

79 Ancient Kyoto, Japan

78 Vermont, U.S.

78 Slovenia

78 Kakadu National Park, Australia

78 Medieval Granada and the Alhambra, Spain

77 Bavarian Alps, Germany

Stein Morten Lund, 25 November 2009

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