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Party Life
Here we present unique experiences from the wild partylife around the world.

Drinking Absinth and dancing the night away in Prague - FROM VELVET REVOLUTION TO PARTY REVOLUTION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC - Part 1 of 2

Prague is one of the most pulsing capitals in Europe. The city has been one of the most beautiful European cities since the Middle Ages and got many nicknames as "Matička Praha" "'Little mother Prague", " City of 1000 towers", "City of thousand bridges", " Heart of the Europe", and " Golden Prague". Prague has been a crossroad, where many merchant, scientists, artists and poets met. The most famous Czech writer is undoubtedly is Franz Kafka.

Pragues highlights are crossing Charles Bridge, taking a boat tour on Vlatva River, praying in St.Vitus Cathedral, enjoying the Old Town Square, and meeting the 12 Apostles appearing from the Astronomical Clock (Orloj). Now the city has also become an attraction for party lions, especially for they who like strong drinks as Absinth - Absinthe - and enjoy music from the 80s, Lucerna Music Bar is definitely the place! There is also opportunities for drinking with Devil himself and find out who will fall under the table first.....
Photo. A beer drinking monster in Prague - always thirsty. Actual so far I could see it was the Devil hilmself.

He leaded us to drink Czech Beer. I can ensure you that we didn`t regret it, but it was harder when it come to Czech Absinth - Absinthe!

Almost 3 million people visit the Czech capital each year. In 1992 the historical city centre with the unique panorama of Prague Castle became a part of the World Culture Heritage of UNESCO. But for us there where more to experience in the city….

We just followed the stream of girls in the Prague city centre on Friday evening 19 November 2004. So we ended up at Lucerna Music Bar, which has become one of the most popular live music clubs in the Czech Republic.

The history of this building began in the early 20th century as one of the first movie theatres in Prague. Lucerna Music Bar has, and continues to host many international music stars.

At Lucerna we were immediately lifted up by the good mood. Head up to the balcony for a higher perspective. There is nothing like the music from the 80s: Limahl, Boney M, REM, Blondie, and U2.

Inspired by the big video screen in the discotheque people danced happily around on the dancing floor. The music was so good that people danced wildly.

Photo. Entrance at Lucerna Music Bar in Prague.

Probably one of the best party places in Europe, maybe in the world.

Ready for the big party?

Lucerna Music Bars`s fantastic atmosphere can be compared with great party places as Johns Bar - Oslo, Flanagan`s Apple Pub - Liverpool, Zetor - Helsinki, O'Donoghue's - Dublin, The Rockin` Shamrock - Cape Town, The Howling Dog - Fairbanks - Alaska, Yamagoya Bar - Tokyo, Mr. Babilla disco - Cartagena - Colombia.

Photo. Dancing floor in Lucerna Music Bar, Prague.

When will this site (place) be notified as a World Culture Heritage of UNESCO?

Spreading happiness in Prague: most smiles are started by another smile!

Photo. "Prince" Sigurd searched for the real princess, Askepott, in Czech.

He tried the shoe on many women, but I still wonder; how did the shoe fit?

Photo. Dancing in the dark, Lucerna Music Bar, Prague.

We danced the night away to music from the 80s. It couldn`t be better!

Prague is the world`s capital of beer! These gentlemen just say "Na zdraví", which means cheers (for your health) in the Czech language (see photo below).

Photo. Two happy partylions.

A local man to the left and a Norwegian Viking to the right. 

Photo. Two Czech persons in Lucerna Music Bars whom become very hungry in the late night hours.

Sightseeing was just a break from the wild party life
Between the partying we joined the hourly show to see Astronomical Clock in full action. So we heard the Death rings a bell and inverts his hourglass, so a parade of apostles parade by nodding to us. It was also enjoyable to walk down the Royal Way to the Vlatava River, where the Charles Bridge has survived traffic for 600 years. It`s like a solid rock. I just wonder: it`s true what the legend say that the builders have mixed eggs into the mortar? Maybe this explains why the brigde is so strong.

One of the most beautyful views in Prague is looking across the Vlatva River, especially towards the Prague Castle and St.Vitus Cathedral.

Photo. The Charles Bridge, Prague's most well-known monument, built by stones. That bridge is one of several acrosses over the Vlatva River.

King Charles IV´s favourite architect and constructor, Peter Parler, built this bridge. It`s a real wonder!

Photo. The Black Madonna - The Czech biggest parodox?

This white house with the characteristic architecture was not what we expected.

Why it is called the "Black Madonna" is a big mystery for me.  

The crookedy building on the photo below is called "Fred and Ginger" because it looks like those two famous dancers. It`s a symbol of the diversity in Prague, and a big contrast to the other monument and building along Vltava River.  

Photo. Another strange building in Prague.

Pretty facade? There is no doubt that the architecture here is unique.

I just wonder: is this style meant to be future-oriented or how many Pilsner drank the people who built this building?

Monuments and statues of historic importance, dating from 1657 to 1858, makes a wonderful view up and down the river.

Photo. Prague Castle - Prazsky Hrad, or just hrad as the Czechs say.

The high building in the middle is St.Vitus Cathedral. 

This castle is probably the largest ancient castle in the world - 570m (1870ft) long, an average of 128m (420ft) wide and occupying 7.28 hectares (18 acres). It's the most popular tourist attraction in Prague, and there are plenty of rooms here for spreading out and hiding.

Read more about the wild Czech party life. This article continues in part 2.

Stein Morten Lund, 28 December 2004

Additional information
Lucerna Music Bar
Prague 1, Vodièkova 36,
Tel: 24 21 71 08
Club open 6 pm-3 am.
Café open daily 11 am - 5 pm
Beginning of concerts at 9 pm
Website: www.musicbar.cz

More information about Absinthe (click on the link): Absinthe information.

Highlights in Prague for they who want something else than just partying:
Prague Castle: Has been a symbol of Czech history for centuries. After 894 it became the main seat of the oldest ruling dynasty of the state Bohemia, the Premyslid princes (Premyslovci).

St.Vitus Cathedral: The largest and the most important church in Prague. The religious heart of the Czech Republic.

Charles Bridge: Prague's most well-known monument. The oldest stone bridge in Central Europe with many expressive Baroque statues made by sculptors Braun, Brokoff and Kohl. The bridge is colorful with a variety of vendors (of woodwork, jewelry, and paintings), street musicians and puppeteers.

Old Town Square: The oldest and most important square in historic Prague dating from the 12th century. Make sure that you visit the Astronomical Clock (Orloj), built in 1410, and watch the mechanical performance by 12 Apostoles.

Jewish Prague: Places of interest are the Town Hall, five synagogues (Old-Town, Pinkas, High, Klausen, Maisel) and Old Jewish Cemetry.
Emausy Monastery -- The monastery and the church is very richly decorated. The cycle of Gothic wall paintings dating from 1360-1370 is one of the most valuable relics of that time in Bohemia.

Petrin Outlook Tower: Petrin Park is one of Prague's largest parks. The most conspicuous landmark in this park is an imitation Eiffel Tower, built for the Jubilee Exhibition of 1891.

St.Nicholas Temple: The most significant historical structure of the Prague Baroque.

Modern history of Prague:
After the independence and foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic, Dr. Tomas Garrique Masaryk become the first Czech President.

1920 The National Assembly carried the first Constitution
1938 Mnichov agreement - Czech had to renounce Soudets
1939 Started Second World War, Prague - capital of Nazi Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
1945 Liberation by the American and Soviet army, Dr. Edvard Benes - president
1948 The February putsch seizure power of KSC
1960 Foundation of the Czechoslovak socialistic republic
1968 Prague Spring - an attempt to reform socialism, intervention of 5 states of the Warsaw Pact
1989 Velvet revolution, formation of the government of national tolerance, Vaclav Havel become elected as the president

Information resources about Prague:

Facts about the Czech:
Formal country name: Czech Republic
Area: 78,866 sq km
Population: 10.3 million
Capital City: Prague (population 1.2 million)
People: Czech with minorities of Slovaks, Poles, Germans, Romanies and Hungarians
Language: Czech
Religion: 40% Roman Catholic, 10% Protestant
Government: parliamentary democracy

CzechTourism Official travel site of Czech Republic: www.czechtourism.com.

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