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Peru, UNESCO World Heritage List – Amazing wonders well worth to preserve for the future!

The City of Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Manu National Park, the Sacred City of Caral, the Great Inka Trail, the Nasca Lines and many other sites are inscribed on the UNESCO`s World Heritage List. Peru has a remarkably rich cultural heritage, ancient monuments, huge mysteries, extensive wild life, stunning landscapes from high mountains, deep valleys, dense jungles, beautiful lakes to coastal desert, and deep rooted colonial and indigenous traditions.

Photo. Indians in Manu National Park in Peru. © Travel Explorations.

According to UNESCO, based on information from its website, Manú National Park is a huge 1.5 million-ha park has successive tiers of vegetation rising from 150 to 4,200 m above sea-level. The tropical forest in the lower tiers is home to an unrivalled variety of animal and plant species. Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there. Jaguars are often sighted in the park.

Perú is a country which has everything. It provides one of the richest biodiversities of Earth and is a melting pot of different cultures.

It`s impressing how many properties in Peru which are inscribed on UNESCO`s World Heritage List. These are:

• City of Cuzco (1983)
• Chan Chan Archaeological Zone (1986)
• Chavin (Archaeological Site) (1985)
• Historic Centre of Lima (1988)
• Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa (2000)
• Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana (1994)
• Huascarán National Park (1985)
• Manú National Park (1987) 
• Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (1983)
• Río Abiseo National Park (1990)

Properties submitted to UNESCO`s Tentative List:
• Historic Center of the City of Trujillo (1996)
• Archaeological Complex of Pachacamac (1996)
• The Great Inka Trail: state transportation system originally named "Qhapac Ñan" (2001)
• The Historic Centre of Cajamarca (2002)
• Sacred City of Caral - Supe (2005)
• Lake Titicaca (2005)  

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Peru for adventure travellers!
Join us on tours in Peru:
Machu Picchu, off beaten tracks in Amazon, exotic tribes and secret ancient wonders!

Contact us:
Coex Amazon
Lima, Peru 
Telephone/Fax: + (511) 274-7010
E-mail: contact@coexamazon.com
Website: Coex Amazon

Cuzco, which in the ancient Quechua language means "navel of the world", was an important hub in Inca times that connected all of South America, from Colombia to the north of Argentina.

Photo. Machu Picchu's impressive ruins are Peru's most famous landmark. In the period between 1500 and 1600 century the fortified site was an important hub on the Inca trails.
© Travel Explorations.

The mentioned properties inscribed on UNESCO`s World Heritage List are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many other interesting sites in Peru too. Some of them are well known, but other are still waiting to be explored. Each year there are interesting discoveries in Peru. It’s also likely to believe that there will be several big discoveries in Peru in the future. Perhaps someone will find Eldorado one day?

Stein Morten Lund, 5 February 2008

Additional information
Peru lies on the Pacific coast of South America just south of the Equator. To the Quechua Indians Peru means "land of abundance."

Presentation of Coex Amazon - a leading tour operator in Peru:

Get in contact with local Indians and explore lost wonders in the jungle - Peru!

Coex Amazon,Peru,Lima,Amazon,Machu PicchuThe tour operator Coex Amazon (website: Coex Amazon) in Lima, Peru, offers 5 exceedingly different and uniquely exciting adventure expeditions in the mega diverse and authentic Peru. All of them are roundtrips completely off the beaten tourist tracks. These are Maranon Valley, Urubamba, Pacaya and Ucayali. The tour operator organise also tours to Machu Picchu.

You will have the opportunity to get close to wild and mighty nature and fascinating people with little western influence. At the same time you will experience some of the most important historic and archaeological sites on the American continent.

Coex Amazon offers especially trekking in the Maranon valley to the lost but very idyllic mountain town of Chachapoyas. Here you can admire one of Peru’s biggest ancient wonders, the 2000 year old town fortress of Kuelap. 

Peru,amazon,tribes, indians

On the way you will get in touch with Indians living in their traditional way.

This tour is for genuine adventurers who want to experience something special. Are you ready for the off beaten tracks in Peru?

Contact information:
Coex Amazon
Lima, Peru 
Telephone/Fax: + (511) 274-7010
E-mail: contact@coexamazon.com
Website: Coex Amazon

Facts about Peru:
Population: 27,947,000
Capital: Lima; 8,180,000
Area: 1,285,216 square kilometers ((496,224 square miles)
Languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
Religion: Roman Catholic Currency

Read more articles about Peru on our global travel guide www.TravelExplorations.com.

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