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Music & Dance
Here we present reviews of the most exciting traditional music and dance.

Agætis byrjun – Sigur Ròs

Music that take you to another world!
Music for the new millennium! This album is sensational! Be ready for a magical mystery tour! I am astonished, I am delighted, and I am saved! This music from Iceland is magic.

The band Sigur Ros started their carrier in the capital Reykjavik ("smoky bay") in 1994. Translated in to English "Ágætis Byrjun" means something like "A New Beginning" or "A Good Start". It is the band's second album, following 1997's "Von" ("Hope") and its sister remix release "Von Brigði". Their music is so strong, powerful and beautiful at the same time. You can hear a wall of sound, which take you in to a higher dimension.

Photo: The Cover from Sigur Ros` album "Àgatis byrjun". See the Avalon.

In an interview on Sigur Ros`web site (see the web address below), the interviewer asked the band the following question: Sigur Ros has already inspired some of the most pretentious journalism in the world. According to Melody Maker, "they sound like god weeping tears of gold in heaven". Is that right? Georg (Sigurd Ros): "I think it's a bit over the top. It sounds like a poem. But maybe that's what our music is as well. It's a poem."

Thor Birgission use his guitar to the fullest extend, and will also touch you deeply with his high, complaining and emotional voice. The music has a unique sound picture. It is a kind of soaring pop combined with strong classical elements. Here you will here sounds you probably never have heard before.

The highlights in my opinion are "Staralfur", "Flugufrelsarinn", and "Olsen Olsen". When I hear this music my thoughts leads away to mythical Iceland. The country has a unique nature landscape that includes glaciers, hot springs, geysers, active volcanoes, snow-capped peaks and vast lava deserts. It takes your breath away. And based on the country's rich history, literature and folklore tradition, I can understand that Sigur Ros find inspiration for creating music like this.

Photo: Avalon. An illustration from inside the cover of Sigur Ros` album "Agatis byrjun".

The design is also so incredible that I steady look at it. It is something here that fascinates me tremendous. Is it truth that there are avalons in Iceland? Sigur Ros reminds about the more famous British group Spiritualized. Sometimes Sigurd Ros also reminds about Pink Floyd with various sequences of crescendos and descends, high and low sounds, strange background noises between the songs, compact sound picture, and accompanied with an full orchestra.

As Sigur Ros present themselves on their web site: "We are not a band, we are music. We do not intend to become superstars or millionaires, we are simply gonna change music forever, and the way people think about music. And don't think we can't do it, we will".

Sigur Ros is as I will put it; a music from another world. Would you like to have a different music experience, I recommend this album with all my heart. Take your time and enjoy it; you will float in space!

Stein Morten Lund, 8 September 2000

Additional information

Read more about the Sigur Ros and the music on their web site: www.sigur-ros.com
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