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Conde Naste Traveller - Readers' Travel Awards 2009!

Conde Naste Traveller organised 2009 a vote among its readers for selecting the best airlines, airports, business hotels, cities, countries, islands, overseas leisure hotels, spas, tour operators, trains and cruising, UK leisure hotels and villa rental companies.
Photo. Italy the best country for travellers!

Italy was designed to be the readers favourite country due to highi score on food/restaurants, culture and climate. New Zealand was very close to Italy in the vote.

The best value for money is elsewhere, in Kenya and Mexico.

Brazil has the warmest welcome (people/hospitality).

South Africa the greatest variety of attractions and India the most glorious scenery. http://www.cntraveller.com/ReadersAwards/2009/Countries/

Stein Morten Lund,

Additional information Read more on our global travelguide www.TravelExplorations.com
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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