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Carnival Rio De Janeiro - Join the world`s biggest party!

Rio Carnival 2012 started on Saturday, 18th February and will ends on Fat Tuesday, 21st February. On Friday 17th it was a opening cermony. In Brazilian Portuguse it`s called the Carnevale Rio De Janeiro. Fireworks, Samba music, drumming, sing alongs, colourful costumes, half naked bodies, dancing and wild partying are the incrediences.

Rio Carnival has become world-famous through the Samba Parade, a show, a display and competition of the Rio samba schools. The two major days are Carnival Sunday and Monday.

One of the most involved groups in Rio Carnival are the poorest neighborhoods, the so called favelas. Favelas are shantytowns or slums.

Another popular carnival is organised in Bolivia. In Oruro it takes place for eight days preceeding Ash Wednesday. This carnival marks the Ito festival for the Uru people. Its ceremonies has its origon from Andean customs. Unlike carnaval in Rio where the escolas de samba choose a new theme each year, carnaval in Oruro always begins with the diablada or devil dance. The diablada is a centuries-old ritual surviving unchanged from colonial days.

The show must go on. Read more about the carnival in Rio De Janeiro: http://www.rio-carnival.net
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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