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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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Cahokia - Discovery of a lost city in America!

Cahokia is the center of what was once the greatest civilization between the deserts of Mexico and the North American Arctic. The city grew up in the 1000 century and lasted for 300 years. Then the inhabitants suddenly vanished, and so the city. The history of this lost city need to be preserved, according to National Geographic. Mysteries wait to be revealed.

This ancient Indian lost city is a real wonder. As National Geographic writes in its article January 2011: "The idea that American Indians could have built something resembling a city was so foreign to European settlers, that when they encountered the mounds of Cahokia—the largest of which is a ten-story earthen colossus composed of more than 22 million cubic feet of soil—they commonly thought they must have been the work of a foreign civilization: Phoenicians or Vikings or perhaps a lost tribe of Israel."

Read more about the lost city Cahokia in National Geographic`s feature article: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/01/cahokia/hodges-text

Stein Morten Lund, 12 January 2011

Additional information National Geographic`s website: www.NationalGeographic.com
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