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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Borge Ousland reached his finale target - Ward Hunt Island

The last day he had to pass a open lead. At a distance it looks difficult, perhaps 100 metres wide and perhaps with a layer of ice on the top. He considered the ice too thick for swimming, but too thin for walking. The pressure ridges have been difficult to pass. How did he make it?

Photo: Borge Ousland with complete protection against the coldness.

The Arctic, where Ousland has been for a while, is the most northern area of the earth, centered on the North Pole. The regions therefore include the Arctic Ocean; the northern reaches of Canada, Alaska, Russia, Norway, and the Atlantic Ocean; Svalbard; most of Iceland; Greenland; and the Bering Sea.

Photo: Nothing stopped Ousland on his tour. Here he goes skiing without following any ski traces.


At 11.30am Wednesday the 23rd May polar adventurer Borge Ousland arrived safely at Ward Hunt Island in Northern Canada, after a solo trek of 1720 kilometers (1069 miles) from northern Siberia in less than three months. The first thing Ousland asked upon arrival was to be able phone his son in school and tell him that Dad had made it.

Ousland's final efforts lasted 12 hours and had some nervous moments. Ousland had to navigate a 100-meter wide lane through ice in order to reach Ward Hunt Island, and awoke this morning to find the ice moving out. With guidance from the welcoming committee in a plane above Ousland finally found a safe way over.

The whole last day Borge Ousland could see Ward Hunt Island. The end of the long journey was in sight! But first he had to pass some obstacles, which he did, and arrived safely to his final destination. His girlfriend met him there the with embracement and champagne.

Ousland used his strong efforts to pull his sledge to the North Pole. His sledge weighted total 155 kilo, and 90 kilo of it was food. He had food for 90 days. His aim, as he completed on his polar trek, was to cross the arctic solo from Siberia to Canada. He also did some scientific work on his way.

This is the biggest challenge regarding expeditions in polar areas, says Borge Ousland (see his website; www.ousland.no). The distance was 1720 kilometres. He didn`t get any supplies during his tour. This is probably the most fantastic tour that he ever has done.

Photo: Borge Ousland in water. This is definitely not normal bathing.

In 1997 he crossed Antarctic as the first, and is still the only person who has made it alone, and without supplies. This man is incredible.

Borge Ousland took a flight from Oslo to Moscow the 20th of February. From there he travelled to Khatanga, a small town in north of Siberia. He took a helicopter up to Sredny, were he took in on a weather station on the polar ice. Here he started on his long and cold tour.

This expedition was different from the others. This is a frozen ocean, while the South Pole is a continent. What is most different is that on the North Pole is pack ice and open water, this also reflects on the equipment, most of it is special made and adjusted to this expedition.


Photo: Borge Ousland knows what he is doing. His experience and unique skills makes he a survivor in the Arctic.


Planning an expedition like this

Borge Ousland says on this website: the planning of a trip like this is extremely important. All the details must be right, it is and failing in prior to a trip like this. Everything must work when I am on the ice. An important part of the motivation is looking forward. To what's is going to happen during the expedition.

Of course it is hard, but it is important to focus on the positive things. There are usually two things that cause an expedition to fail; people bring too much sothe weight is too heavy and in-efficient, and the equipment being used is not optimal for the conditions and the expedition.

Every little detail must be thought through. The equipment must be simple, functional and be well tested in advance. Some more testing and considerations can lead to more adjustments.

Photo. Another photo of Borge Ousland with complete protection against the coldness. Frostbite doesen`t frighten this man from exploring arctic areas.

Borge Ousland is a real Viking from Norway, and again he reached his final target and managed to conquer the cold and harsh Antarctic.

Stein Morten Lund, 4 June 2001

Additional links and information
Information and photos is used on permission.

Read Ousland`s diary about his polar expedition on: www.ousland.no

His diary gives insight in a brave man`s struggle to overcome the biggest obstacles to reach a finale target. It is about hope, frustrations and strong will. Borge Ousland`s web site provides also useful information for other who find inspirations in trips like this. Read his advice about preparations and equipment. Borge Ousland has trained hard for one year to be able to accomplish a tour like this. Books is also available for booking on his site.

Travel Explorations will come back with more news about other exciting expedition. We cover the world`s most unique expeditions and journeys.

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