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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

Are Shakespeare`s manuscripts hidden under Oak Island? Coming up!

The Norwegian Broadcasting NRK has displayed 3 parts of the documentary of Shakespeare`s hidden cods in December 2009. On 29 December the 4th part and the last will reveal more about where Shakespeare`s manuscripts are hidden.
Shakespear,plays,codes,Oak Island,hidden manuscriptsPhoto. Image from the documentary about Shakespear`s hidden codes on NRK, the Norwegian Broadcasting.

Petter Amundsen from Norway reveals more great discoveries in the 4th and last part of the documentary about Shakespear hidden codes.

What has this symbol to do with Shakespear`s hidden codes, and why does it link this to Oak Island in Canada?

Read more about this on our website www.TravelExplorations.com

Stein Morten Lund, 22 December 2009
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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